Applies to:
Siebel Marketing Enterprise - Version: 8.1.1 [21112]
z*OBSOLETE: IBM AIX5L Based Systems (32-bit)
The campaign load works fine when using url with http, but fails when using url with https.
Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'PrepareCache' at step 'Prepare Cahce'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
HTTP Internet Exception during 'Data Send': 'The specified module could not be found.
', code: '126'(SBL-EAI-04116)
To enable SSL communications between the Siebel CRM Server and the OBIEE SAW Server, it will be required to enable (and configure) the use of Certificates in both sides. The procedure to enable these certificates in Unix AIX, is described in Siebel Bookshelf > Siebel Security Guide (Version 8.1) > Communications and Data Encryption > Configuring Secure Communications > Installing Certificate Files on UNIX
The document titled “How To Register Certificates on UNIX Siebel Servers for Outbound HTTP Transport Requests / Web Services Over SSL” (Doc ID 473779.1) also describes the same procedure and adds valuable information to the procedure described in the Bookshelf documentation.
Some of our customers have experienced issues and have not been able to install and configure Certificate files on AIX. This issue does not occur on all AIX environments, so it is recommended that customers should try the procedures described in above 2 documents.
If the error persist and its still not possible to install Certificates, then a Quick Fix was released and it is already available for download. Please, use the Patches and Downloads section on Metalink/My Oracle Support and then the Simple Search feature to look for the patch number 8562677. Please read the Release Notes carefully before applying it in your environment.
Note: Customers can also refer to CR # 10495231 for additional information regarding this AIX Certificates issue.
NOTE:473779.1 - How To Register Certificates on UNIX Siebel Servers for Outbound HTTP Transport Requests / Web Services Over SSL
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
If an attribute LOV domain is updated, with values removed, an error is encountered when modifying the asset.
The following is the error from the log:
EAISiebAdpt EAISiebAdptErr 1 000000024ab70a1c:0 2009-09-21 10:08:06 [0] Method 'SetFieldValue' of business component 'MACD Quote Item XA' (integration component 'XA') returned the following error:
"1 is not a valid value for Previous Value.(SBL-CFG-00162)"(SBL-EAI-04376) (0x6900a2)
The application is having issues resolving the Previous Value if the value is outside of the Attribute LOV domain
1-) Administration - Products > Attribute Definitions
2-) Create 2 attributes
FR 1 - freeform
FR 2 - { 1, 2 , 3}
Release them
3-) Administration - Products > Class Administration
Create a class and add the above attributes.
4-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions
Create 2 Products with the above class. Release them.
5-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions
Create a customizable Product and add the 2 products created on step 4 in different relationships.
Set Min Cardinality of the Child Products to 1.
=> Product Structure
Root Product
Rel 1 - Child Product 1 - Min Card = 1
Rel 2 - Child Product 2 - Min Card = 1
6-) Navigate to Accounts and create a new one
7-) Drilldown on the Account Name and create a Quote
8-) Add Root Product to the Quote (the child products will be added by default)
9-) Hit Auto Order
10-) In the Order, set the Status of the 3 line items to Complete.
11-) Set the Status of the Order to Complete too.
12-) Hit Auto Asset and the products should be displayed under Accounts > Account Summary > Installed Assets applet
13-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Attribute Definitions
14-) Lock attribute FR 2 and change its values to - { 11, 22 , 33}.
15-) Release it and clear the cache.
16-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Product Definitions
17-) Delete Rel 2.
18-) Add the same relationship again:
Rel 2 - Child Product 2 - Min Card = 1
19-) Release the Root Product. Clear the Cache.
20-) Navigate to Accounts > Account Summary > Installed Assets applet
21-) Hit Modify. A warning message is displayed as expected. Hit Ok.
22-) Hit Done and you will get an error message related with a workflow.
SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service '<?>', method '<?>' at step '<?>'.
The behavior reported was considered a Product Defect BUG 10576833
According to engineering review, the business component code currently validates the attribute value for the "value" & "previous value" fields. However, if as is the case in this scenario, the attribute value is removed from the enumerated list, then on modification of the asset, an error is thrown when attempting to save the value in the previous value field. However, since previous value field is used to provide historical data, the validation is not required.
The fix included in the Fix Pack.
For other versions, please log a Service Request in order to start the Fix Request process.
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
1-) Administration - Products > Attribute Definitions
2-) Create 2 attributes
Iowa1 - freeform
Iowa2 - freeform
Release them
3-) Administration - Products > Class Administration
Create a class and add the above attributes.
4-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions
Create 1 Product with the above class. Release it.
Name: Iowa1ChildProduct1
5-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions
Create a customizable Product and add FRChildProduct1 to it.
Name: IowaRootProduct
6-) Navigate to Accounts and create a new one
7-) Drilldown on the Account Name and create a Sales Order
8-) Add Root Product to the order
9-) Hit customize, add the child product and hit Done
10-) Set the status of the 2 line items to complete
11-) Set the Status of the Order to Complete too.
12-) Hit Auto Asset
13-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Product Classes > Lock the class
14-) Rename Iowa1 to FR 1 xxx
15-) Release it and refresh the cache
16-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Product Definitions > Lock the Root Product
17-) Delete the relationship and re add it
18-) Release it and clear the cache
19-) Navigate to Accounts > Account Summary > Installed Assets applet
21-) Hit Modify and you will see the following error message:
[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS OM edit Complex Asset Workflow' at step 'Edit Asset - Interactive'. (SBL-BPR-00183)
[2] Error invoking service 'Complex Product AutoMatch Service', method 'Automatch' at step 'Auto Match Port Ids.' (SBL-BPR-00162)
[3] The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?
Product "FRRootProduct1"
Relationship "Rel1"
[1] Extended Attribute - FR 1; The item can not be found (SBL-ISS-00121)
When an Attribute Display Name under the Class is renamed and its a part of Customizable Product, the relationship under Root Product is removed and added back again with the same relationship name then attribute definition is not found as its searching with the name(actually the Attribute is not removed) during Automacth.
The behavior was considered a Product Defect BUG 10580891 .
Following is the list of Quick Fixes available: [21211] QF0132 BugID: SBA: 9222317[ 21215]QF0274 BugID: SBA: 9894219[ 21219]QF0311 BugID: SBA: 10008373
FR 12-1VM8C3T has been logged and targeted at the fix pack. However, please be aware that while it is our intention to include a fix for this issue in this fixpack, until it is actually released, this cannot be confirmed. Issues may arise during the last stages of the development and testing cycles prior to the release of the fixpack, which may cause the fix delivery to be delayed to a subsequent FixPack.
To check if there is a quick fix available for your Siebel Application Version, please log a Service Request informing the CR number.
Applies to:
Siebel Tools - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : 8.1.1 SIA [21111] version, Configuration - General
We have created an Integration Object and have “Clinical Subject” BC as an Integration Component in the IO. We are trying to use “Siebel EAI Adapter.Upsert” method to create subjects. When running the simulator for our WF we get the error
“Error invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Upsert' at step 'Business Service 1'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed.
Please execute a query that returns at least one record or add a new record.(SBL-DAT-00215)”.
The Error code is “(SBL-BPR-00162)--(SBL-DAT-00215)”. When I change the class of the Clinical Subject” BC from CSSBCBClinicalSubject to CSSBCBClinicalSubject and inactive the BC user properties on that BC then I don’t get the error and my inserts and updates are working fine. Please Advice
SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service '<?>', method '<?>' at step '<?>'.
Siebel Error Message SBL-DAT-00215: This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed. Please execute a query that returns at least one record or add a new record.
This issue is caused by specialized class code being triggered when record is created due to the Clinical Subject specialized class. This error does not occur if the EAI Integration Object uses an Integration Component based on a copied Clinical Subject business component that has a basic business component class.
According to our testing, several SQL statements are triggered by the specialized class used by the Clinical Subject business component. This causes the EAI Siebel Adapter business service to fail to Upsert updates for this business component.
There are known limitations with EAI Siebel Adapter and special classes and the workaround is to use a base class cloned object or create custom Business Service that would read the provided XML and process it to property sets and then create the record using script.
For more information you can also refer to following document that describes similar behavior with specialized class.
Problem Loading Invoice Profiles Using EAI Siebel Adapter (Doc ID 848401.1)
Based on the customer's input a new product defect, << Bug: 10590532 >> was raised to note the Clinical Subject business component special class behavior with the Siebel EAI Adapter.
12-1XRKL6D “Error invoking service 'EAI Siebel Adapter', method 'Upsert' (SBL-BPR-00162) Clinical Subject BC"
NOTE:848401.1 - Problem Loading Invoice Profiles Using EAI Siebel Adapter
Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 7.8.2 SIA [19213]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.8.2 [19213] Engy/Oil
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3010885081.
The error message - "SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service '<?>', method '<?>' at step '<?>" occured when customizing a product . The workflow process being called, SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item, had not been modified.
The log file showed that the error was SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'Complex Product AutoMatch Service', method 'AutoMatch' at step 'Auto Match Port Ids'.
It also showed that Norwegian values were being populated in the integration object fields for the Order and Order Line Item status fields:
Order: Status = Ferdig
Line Item: Status = Ferdig
Calculated Asset Status = Aktiv
These LOV values will not be recognized by eConfigurator and this caused the failure.
The Norwegian Display Values were changed to the ENU values (they should be equal to the Language Independent Codes).
Applies to:
Siebel Email Marketing Server - Version: SIA [19227] - Release: V7
Information in this document applies to any platform.
When loading an email campaign with segments, the following error occurs:
Error/Warning : Error invoking service 'Mktg Data Load Service', method 'PrepareCache' at step 'Prepare Cahce'.(SBL-BPR-00162)
Fatal Error in XML Parser at line 1, column 1: Invalid document structure(SBL-UNU-00247)
This only happens on one server; when task is invoked on other siebel server it performs successfully.
A XML parse error dump was found with the following error:
"Unable to contact server.
Access denied: C:\SiebelAnalyticsData\tmp\yoNaz_60ddH+Imz7M5oKXvANcGE0A+aj
Error Codes: :
Access is denied.
Customer found that there was an issue with the IIS directory access.
Customer resolved by adding write access for some IIS related users to that C:\SiebelAnalyticsData\ directory.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Oracle Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [21211] to SIA [21211] - Release: V8 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Statement of Issue:
The customer was using UCM 8.2 ( + QF3103) and found an error occurring when two contacts are merged in Administration - Universal Customer Master > Existing Duplicates
[1] Error invoking service 'UCM Source Data and History Service', method 'Store' in the step 'Store History'. (SBL-BPR-00162)
[2] The method 'SetFieldValue' in BC 'UCM Contact Source Data and History' (integration component 'Contact ') for the record with the search term [Id] = "1-3EJBU" has returned the following error:
'Value too long for column' Merge Transaction Id '(maximum size: 30). (SBL-DAT-00235) '(SBL-EAI-04451)
The cause of this issue is a mismatch between the business level and database level definitions. In the 'UCM Contact Source Data and History' and 'UCM Account Source Data and History' business components, the 'Merge Transaction Id' field is mapped to the TRANSACTION_ID column in the S_UCM_CONTACT and S_UCM_ORG_EXT tables respectively. The field length is 100, but the column length is 30. Hence when the application tries to write the 36 character generated Id into the column during a merge it fails with an error.
The following change request was logged for this issue:
Bug 10594551 - QF3103: Unmerge fails:TRANSACTION ID column in tables like S_UCM_CONTACT needs extension to 100
The current supported methods to workaround this issue are:
1. Map the Merge Transaction Id field to two new columns for each of the business components affected, namely the 'UCM Contact Source Data and History' and 'UCM Account Source Data and History' business components.
2. Get Oracle Expert Services to alter the standard column definition in the 'Expert Mode' of Siebel Tools. However, Oracle Expert Services is a billable service.
The issue has been fixed in the upcoming branch quick fix QF3104 and should be fixed in the upcoming fix pack.
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