Friday, April 8, 2011

SBL-EAI-04401: Cannot find entry '%1' in the bounded picklist for the field '%2' in integration component '%3'

Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: SIA [19221] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [19221] Life Sci
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3161056843.
***Checked for relevance on 10-JAN-2011***

SymptomsCustomer experienced the following error message when the Siebel Order ASI was used to insert or update Sales Orders into Siebel.

Cannot find entry 'Sales Order' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Order Type' in integration component 'Orders'(SBL-EAI-04401).

This behavior also can be experienced using standard or customized Integration Object which makes reference to the Order Entry business object is used to insert, update or synchronize Orders with the type “Sales Orders”.

In Siebel 7.8 a change was introduced to filter Order Type according the business object, in order to distinguish Service Orders and Sales Order.

Reference: 'SIS OM Active Order Sub-Process' returns "Error updating business component at step 'Create Order'" (Doc ID 484458.1)


Sales Orders can be imported in Siebel 7.8 using Integration Objects based on the “Order Entry (Sales)” business object.

Applies to: Siebel eCommunications - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

SymptomsWhen trying to import a WSDL in local database using tools the following is received:

Cannot find entry 'SOAP_DOC_LITERAL' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Protocol' in integration component 'Repository Port'(SBL-EAI-04401).

CauseIf the user extracted is defined with another language then ENU and in Mobile Client view the field "Language(s)" is blank then the LOV WS_BINDING_PROTOCOL_CD is not downloaded to the local database when extracted.

So when trying to import the WSDL it will fail after performing the following query in the local database:
((T1.LANG_ID = ?) AND
(T1.VAL = ?)

Bind variable 1: ENU
Bind variable 2: Y
Bind variable 4: OUTBOUND
Bind variable 5: SOAP_DOC_LITERAL

SolutionThis problem was solved after defining in the Mobile Client view in the field "Language(s)" the language ENU and the other being used.
Then the database was re-extracted and it was possible to import the WSDL in the local database using Tools.

Applies to: Siebel Universal Customer Master - Version: 7.7.2 SIA [18325] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.2 [18325] Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1942422807.
""""Checked for relevance on 16-NOV-2010""""

SymptomsIn Siebel Tools, synchronize Integration Object "CIFAccountInsertRs" to add "Opportunity" Integration Component to the Integration Object "CIFAccountInsertRs"

Observe the error :

Cannot find entry 'DTYPE_CURRENCY' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Physical Data Type' in integration component 'Repository Integration Component Field'(SBL-EAI-04401)

CauseMissing or inactive seed data LOV "REPOSITORY_INTGR_FIELD_DTYPE"

SolutionIn the client, at Site Map-> administration Application -> List of values and also in Siebel Tools at Screens->System Administration->List of values query for TYPE="REPOSITORY_INTGR_FIELD_DTYPE" and ensure you have records for the following display values:


If no records exist or only some of them exist, create the missing ones.

Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.

SymptomsCustomer is getting the following error message when trying to use Siebel OOTB webservice name 'Siebel Order' to insert an Order (Sales) record into Siebel:

"Cannot find entry 'Sales Order' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Order Type' in integration component 'Orders'(SBL-EAI-04401)"

CauseAfter further review it was found that the WS 'Siebel Oder' actually cannot be used for Sales Orders because of a verification introduced in Siebel 7.8 for different type of Orders. This WS works for 'Service Orders'. In order to implement a solution for Sales Orders, a new BS based on this IO is needed.

The information about the restriction using this Ws is published in Note # 490094.1 - 'Order Type not in LOV'

Customer experienced the following error message when the Siebel Order ASI was used to insert or update Sales Orders into Siebel.

Cannot find entry 'Sales Order' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Order Type' in integration component 'Orders'(SBL-EAI-04401).

This behavior also can be experienced using standard or customized Integration Object which makes reference to the Order Entry business object is used to insert, update or synchronize Orders with the type “Sales Orders”.

In Siebel 7.8 a change was introduced to filter Order Type according the business object, in order to distinguish Service Orders and Sales Order.

Reference: Service Request: 38-2020370342.

Sales Orders can be imported in Siebel 7.8 using Integration Objects based on the “Order Entry (Sales)” business object.

SolutionIn order to implement a solution for Sales Orders, consider to create a new WS following steps:

1. From Siebel Tools, create a new Integration Object based on 'Order Entry (Sales)' Business Object.
2. Copy the current BS 'Siebel Order' to a new 'Siebel Sales Order' BS
3. For each method in the new BS, modify its argument to use the new IO created.
4. Compile the new BS and IO in the Server Repository.
5. Define a new Inbound WS for this BS.
6. Publish and test the WSDL definition file.

On the other hand, the CR # 10581497 - 'Siebel Order Entry (Sales) in an OOTB webservice' was created to evaluate the option of including a WS for this Order type in a future version of Siebel.

NOTE:490094.1 - Order Type not in LOV

Applies to: Siebel CRM - Version: [20420] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 10-JAN-2011***

SymptomsStatement of what the issue is
When using EAI Siebel Wizard to generate a IO from a BO that contains a BC with a DTYPE_CLOB field generates an error.
"Cannot find entry 'DTYPE_CLOB' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Physical Data Type' in integration component 'Repository Integration Component Field'(SBL-EAI-04401)"

CauseStatement describing the cause of the problem
The data type DTYPE_CLOB is not an option in the IC fields. So when the wizard tries to create the field with this data type it fails.
If the datatype of the field in the BC is changed for example to DTYPE_TEXT it works.

In order to be able to create an Integration Object based on a BO that contains a BC with a field typed as DTYPE_CLOB this field must be temporarlily inactivated first then it's possible to run the wizard to create the IO. After this field can be re-activated.

It was opened a CR 10565973 in order to address the problem future versions.

ReferencesBUG:10565973 - [CR#12-1T2ILFP][FR#12-1T2ILGA] EAI SIEBEL WIZARD ERROR

Applies to: Siebel eConfigurator - Version: [19219] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Professional)
Version: [19219]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3173825671.
""""AWEBER: Checked for relevance on 23-08-2010""""

SymptomsWhen using Siebel Business service "Siebel Order", method 'insert' to insert an order with two line items which both have the RequestQuantity set Siebel throws an exception as following:

<Major No.>256</Major No.><Minor No.>32984</Minor No.><Message>Method 'SetFieldValue' of business component 'Order Entry - Line Items' (integration component 'Line Items') for record with search specification '[Line Number] = "1"' returned the following error:"Error invoking service 'Context Service', method 'GetRowSetData' at step 'Get Context Row Set'.(SBL-BPR-00162)"(SBL-EAI-04451)</Message><DetailedMessage>Unknown<DetailedMessage>
at SiebelAPITest_2.main(

This exception does not happen all the time. From 6 runs it happens 4 times.

Error messages: SBL-EXL-00151, SBL-EAI-04451, SBL-EAI-04401, SBL-BPR-00162

CauseThe customer was using Business Service "Siebel Order" method "Insert", as documented in

Application Services Interface Reference > Predefined Application Service Interfaces > Prebuilt ASIs > Siebel Order
Application Services Interface Reference > Application Services Interfaces (ASIs) > ASI Data Synchronization Services > Data Synchronization Methods for ASIs
Steps to reproduce in Sample database:
Run a script, which uses Business Service "Siebel Order" method "Insert" to create an order with two line items and the following values:

Order Number = "10-11-1"
Primary Organization = "Default Organization"
Order Type = "Service Order"
Revision = "1"

Order Line Item 1:
Line Number = "1"
Product = "CD-ROM 24X"
Product Id = "1-4S"
Requested Quantity = "2"

Order Line Item 2:
Line Number = "2"
Product = "CPU Performa 1800"
Product Id = "1-4A"
Requested Quantity = "14"

=> Sometimes you will get an error on the first line item, sometimes on the second line item, and sometimes the order will be inserted correctly.

Close inspection of the log file reveals that the errors occur because the 'PSP Driver Workflow Process' is trying to access one of the new line items, but the corresponding line item has not been inserted, and the input data for this workflow process cannot be found in a non-existing order line item. There is no indication why the line item is not inserted.

a) Error on first line item:
<Major No.>256</Major No.><Minor No.>32984</Minor No.><Message>Method 'SetFieldValue' of business component 'Order Entry - Line Items' (integration component 'Line Items') for record with search specification '[Line Number] = "1"' returned the following error:"Error invoking service 'Context Service', method 'GetRowSet Data' at step 'Get Context Row Set'.(SBL-BPR-00162)"(SBL-EAI-04451)</Message><DetailedMessage>Unknown<DetailedMessage>
at SiebelAPITest_2_DiffProd.main(

=> The fact that the first order line item was not inserted leads to the error while executing process definition 'PSP Driver Workflow Process'.

b) Error on second line item:
<Major No.>256</Major No.><Minor No.>32984</Minor No.><Message>Method 'SetFieldV
alue' of business component 'Order Entry - Line Items' (integration component 'L
ine Items') for record with search specification '[Line Number] = "2"' returned
the following error:"Error invoking service 'Context Service', method 'GetRowSet
Data' at step 'Get Context Row Set'.(SBL-BPR-00162)"(SBL-EAI-04451)</Message><De
at SiebelAPITest_2_DiffProd.main(
Connection closed

=> In this case the first line item was inserted and processed correctly, but the second line item was not inserted. The fact that the second order line item was not inserted leads to the error while executing process definition 'PSP Driver Workflow Process'.

When testing this with Order Type = "Sales Order" another error appears, and not even the order itself is inserted:

An error occurred in the 0HB Test Create Order object.
Error: Cannot find entry 'Sales Order' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Order Type' in integration component 'Orders'(SBL-EAI-04401)
Stack: Error: SiebelError: Cannot find entry 'Sales Order' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Order Type' in integration component 'Orders'(SBL-EAI-04401)
Error near no filename:62 [InvokeMethod()].
from no filename:62 [HBCreateOrder()]
from no filename:110 [Service_PreInvokeMethod()](SBL-EXL-00151)

SolutionThe following Change Request has been created to request a fix for this Product Defect:
Change Request 10514400 - Business Service 'Siebel Order' Method 'Insert' often does not insert the order line items.

The alternative to this Business Service method is to create the order using the Business Component methods NewRecord, SetFieldValue and WriteRecord, as documented in Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Interfaces Reference > Business Component Methods.

With Siebel version V8 this BS is replaced by the new Product Data Service. Please see also Siebel bookshelf, Siebel Order Management Guide > Product Data Service and Import Export API Reference > Product Data Services API Methods Reference > InsertOrder.

Keywords: integration component Orders, Order Entry - Orders, Order Entry - Order Line Items, Synchronize.

Applies to: Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18361]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2929998747.

SymptomsSBL-DAT-00225, SBL-EAI-04451, SBL-EAI-04401


We are trying to deploy a new runtime event from file into another environment. After deploying the action sets, we start to deploy the events. However, for new events, it always throws up the error "Cannot find entry 'PreWriteRecord' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Event' in integration component 'Personalization Event'(SBL-EAI-04401)"

We have look at Troubleshooting Steps 41 related to ADM, but there's nothing similar there. Also, we don't think we have change the values of the picklist.

We have to refer to the xml file and manually create the events. Attached is a copy of the xml. After creating this event, when we try to import the file again, no error was thrown.


SolutionMessage 1For the benefits of the other readers:

When importing runtime events through ADM, the following error will be encountered:

"Cannot find entry 'InvokeMethod' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Event' in integration component 'Personalization Event'(SBL-EAI-04401)"

With further analysis, the error is found to be caused by the following search specification set on the LOV record for the Event field:

ObjMgrSqlLog Debug 5 0 2006-03-01 14:49:03 Named search [PickListSearch]: ([Type]='CT_APPLET_EVENT' OR [Type]='CT_BUSCOMP_EVENT' OR [Type]='CT_APPLICATION_EVENT') AND [Type] = ""'

It is checking that the Type field must be NULL AND that it must contain either CT_APPLET_EVENT OR CT_BUSCOMP_EVENT OR CT_APPLICATION_EVENT.

As the above is mutually exclusive, the SQL will return zero record thus causing the error message.

Change Request 12-1CLYSUS has been logged to report on the above behavior.

To possibly workaround the above behavior, please set the PICKLIST user property for the Event integration component field to 'Inactive'. This will avoid the

above search specification from being applied, thus suppressing the error message.

[1/2] To be continued ->

Message 2[2/2] <- Continue ->

In addition, to ensure that the Object Type is read first before querying against the S_LST_OF_VAL table, please add the below integration component field user property to the Event integration component field:

Name: FieldDependency1
Value: Object Type

With the above user property added, the EAI Siebel Adapter will read the Object Type field before attempting to query the S_LST_OF_VAL table, thus

allowing the proper query specification to be formulated.

Applies to: Product Release: V8 (Professional)
Version: 8.0 [20405] DEU
Database: IBM DB2 8.2
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.3

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3442373702.



we have tried to import Assignment Rules via ADM-Package and it failed.
Then we have tried to import the .xml-file via GUI in the target environment and it works.

In our try with ADM-Package, we got an error message about a missing value (Von Regel) in a bounded picklist.

Please let us know the difference between the GUI import and ADM-Package import in this case and what we have to change that we can use deploy_siebel.bat.

As attachment you will find log files from: destination siebel server log, management agent log and management server log.
As well we will attach the Package.

Kind regards,

Thorsten Scholz

SolutionMessage 1Hello Thorsten,

Thank you for using the Siebel SupportWeb.

For the benefit of other readers, an error was reported using the deploy batch files to import Assignment Rule data via an ADM package :-

ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000546e60dfc:0 2007-09-11 06:10:42 (adptutils.cpp (3044)) SBL-EAI-04401: Cannot find entry 'Von Regel' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Organization Candidate Source Display Name' in integration component 'Assignment Group'

Deploying the same data via the user interface was successful.

The Assignment Data being deployed contained DEU specific data, because the underlying 'UDA Assignment Rules' Integration Object has user property AllLangIndependentVals=N). The customer was using a DEU ADM Object Manager (ADMObjMgr_deu), but this then made a request to ADMProc which was running ENU, hence the failure.

Change request 12-1L51KER has been logged to address this situation – either the deployment data should not be language specific, or the language of the ADMProc component needs to be set to use the appropriate language.

Applies to: Siebel Loyalty Manager - Version: SIA [19237] - Release: V7

Information in this document applies to any platform.

SymptomsThe LOY EAI Export Program is used to export data from a DEU environment. When the LOY EAI Import Program is used run to import the data into another DEU environment, the following error occurs:

EAISiebAdpt EAISiebAdptErr 1 0 2009-01-13 15:48:37 [0] Eintrag 'Tier Name' in der gebundenen Auswahlliste für Feld 'Pick Field Name' in der Integrationskomponente 'LOY Attribute Definition EAI' nicht gefunden(SBL-EAI-04401) (IDS_ERR_EAI_SA_PICK_VALIDATE)

In an ENU environment this issue does not occur.

CauseChange Request Defect 12-1RQUQJH raised.

SolutionThe following configuration solution should be used until the Change Request is addressed in a future release:

1. Copy the picklist “PickList SRF Applet List Column" to "PickList SRF Applet List Column Unbounded"
2. Set it to unbounded.
3. Change BC “LOY Attribute Definition EAI”:

NAME="Pick Field Name"
PICKLIST="PickList SRF Applet List Column Unbounded"

NOTE:500121.1 - Problems using Programs Export/Import workflow due to error in shipped BC or State Model.

Applies to: Siebel Financial Services CRM - Version: SIA [19227] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 11-JAN-20111***

A customer has implemented a Java application on IBM Websphere 6 J2EE application server that interacts with Siebel using the java classes created by the Siebel Code Generator for the JCA/Siebel Resource Adapter. The credentials are supplied using Container-Managed Sign-on.

If the Siebel business service fails with an exception, the OM task keeps running with a Status of “Waiting for command”. For example, this occurs if the Java application tries to set a field to a value that is not included in the field’s picklist. It continues in this state until it times-out after the default 45 minutes.

If the application invokes the business service again, a new OM task is started and the previous OM task is not used again. If the business service is invoked and fails a number of times, the number of running tasks is reaching Maximum Tasks and, therefore, no more tasks can be invoked until a running task times-out.

It was possible to reproduce the behavior using a stand-alone java program that invokes the Siebel Account business service using the java classes created by Tools for the Siebel JCA Resource Adapter. It updates an account’s Currency Code to a value that isn’t included in the field’s picklist and when it’s executed the following exception occurs:

32939 Cannot find entry 'ccc' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Currency Code' in integration component 'Account'(SBL-EAI-04401)
Each time I run the program a new EAI OM task is started even though the previous task is still running and “Waiting for command “. Maximum Tasks is set to 20 and when the program is run for the 21st time, the following exception occurs:

8233 Socket had incorrect word size: 0. (SBL-JCA-313)

at Source)
at Source)
8233 Socket had incorrect word size: 0. (SBL-JCA-313)

8233 Socket had incorrect word size

Bug 10542137 was raised to address this defect and a QF was provided. In the interim the customer considered reducing the time-out in order to reduce the possibility that the number of tasks “Waiting for command” reached maximum tasks. They also considered directing calls to a particular component so that the behavior did not affect other functionality.


Applies to: Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration - Version: 2.5 and later [Release: 2.5 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

SymptomsThe "SyncProductSiebelProvABCSImpl" Siebel's ABCS BPEL flow fails sending product message to Siebel CRM, because of the Unit Of Measure field value: "EACH" was unexpected (the is: "Each" was expecting).

The sample ABCS audit trail contained following trace samples:

<event label="InvokeSWIProductUpsertCallexecute" ...
<message>Faulted while invoking operation "SWIProductImportUpsert" on provider "SWIProductIntegration". ...
<part xmlns:xsi="" name="SWIProductImportUpsert_Input">
<SWIProductImportUpsert_Input xmlns:tns=""
<xsdLocal:ListOfProductImport xmlns:xsdLocal="">
<remoteFault xmlns="">
Cannot find entry 'EACH' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Unit of Measure' in integration component 'SWI Internal Product VOD'(SBL-EAI-04401)

CauseThe Domain Value Map (DVM), invoked at the "XformSyncItemListEBMToSiebelProdABM" step of the BPEL did not work.This DVM should consider field: "BaseUOMCode" of Enterprise Business Message (EBM) posted to the Siebel's ABCS to translate its value - "EACH" (the "COMMON" column in DVM) into Siebel Application specific (e.g. the "SEBL_01" column in DVM) value: "Each".

Inspecting the BPEL audit trails, identified that the "Assign_ServiceName" step resolved the value of the "productSourcePIP" mapping parameter as "O2C" (Order to Cash), while "MDM" (Master Data Management) was expected in this integration scenario:

<event label="Scope_SyncProduct" ...
<event label="Assign_ServiceName" ...
<message> ... Updated variable "productSourcePIP"
<details> ... <productSourcePIP>O2C</productSourcePIP>

This caused the "XformSyncItemListEBMToSiebelProdABM.xsl" XSLT map to select the "UNIT_OF_MEASURE" DVM, while the "ITEM_UOM_CODE" DVM should be used:
<xsl:variable name="xslProductSourcePIP">
<xsl:value-of select="$productSourcePIP" />
<xsl:when test="$xslProductSourcePIP="MDM"">
<xsl:value-of select="orcl:lookup-dvm("ITEM_UOM_CODE", ... corecomEBO:BaseUOMCode ...
<xsl:value-of select="orcl:lookup-dvm("UNIT_OF_MEASURE", ... corecomEBO:BaseUOMCode ...

SolutionValud of the "productSourcePIP" parameter is loaded from the "Product.Source.PIP" property of the accordant "ServiceConfiguration" element in the "AIAServiceConfigurationProperties.xml" configuration file.

Configurations of all AIA PIP Deployments are merged in this file, located in the "$AIA_HOME/config" folder or running AIA Instance.

To correct the reported behavior, the "Product.Source.PIP" property for the "SyncProductSiebelProvABCSImpl" Services, had to be amended from "O2C" (standard setting in the software delivery) to "MDM".

Note: The matter of mentioned source PIP type correction is addressed in the Document 1186985.1 "2.5 Product MDM PIP – Integrated Patchset – 1: Troubleshooting Guide" (section: "Common setup, post PIP installation validation").

ReferencesNOTE:1186985.1 - 2.5 Oracle Product MDM Integration - IPS1 - Troubleshooting Guide





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