Applies to: Error Message Area:Application Integration Infrastructure, Enterprise Application Interfaces - EAI
Version:Siebel 7.5.3
PurposeThis document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-EAI-04404: As determined by the first instance, all subsequent instances of integration component '%1' should use the same user key '%2'
ScopeThis document is informational and intended for any user.
SBL-EAI-04404: As determined by the first instance, all subsequent instances of integration component '%1' should use the same user key '%2'ExplanationA subsequent peer component instance record contains none of the fields in the user key picked by the first peer component instance. For example, the first instance had 'Integration Id', which is the only field in the user key that was picked accordingly, and another sibling instance did not have 'Integration Id' field specified.
Corrective ActionEither change the order of user keys for this integration component definition by changing their 'Sequence' property, or make sure that all the component instances have the same set of user key fields present in the input integration object instance.
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