Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
SymptomsThis error message can occur under different circumstances but this document deals with the appearance of this error during interaction with the Oracle BI Publisher Server as part of a Siebel reporting solution.
The error message is indicative that calls are being made to custom Siebel Java classes which are unavailable to the Java Subsystem. As the classes are unavailable the XMLPReportServer cannot execute calls to methods within the class in question and returns an error in the logs similar to that shown below :
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 (javabsvc.cpp (181)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (2055)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 (xmlpdriversvc.cpp (567)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>(SBL-EAI-05010) (0x231392))
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 ( (0) err=2818155 sys=2298770) SBL-OMS-00107: Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>(SBL-EAI-05010) (0x231392))
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000024b500290:0 2010-01-15 10:15:05 (bsvcmgr.cpp (1384) err=2818251 sys=0) SBL-OMS-00203: Error 2298770 invoking method "GenerateReport" for Business Service "XMLP Driver Service"
CauseThere are 2 possible explanations for this behavior but both relate to the configuration of the CLASSPATH parameter on theincorrectly configured classpath. The configuration of the CLASSPATH is detailed in the Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Adding an Explicit Reference to JAR Files for the Oracle BI Publisher Server (P.38).
The first possible cause is that the classes are contained within .jar files which are not included in the CLASSPATH.
The second possible cause is that the format of the CLASSPATH is incorrect as this differs between operating systems.
SolutionIn order to resolve this error message it is necessary to validate the CLASSPATH and ensure that all of the .jar files from the %SIEBEL_SERVER_ROOT%/CLASSES folder are set and that the correct separator is used for the operating system in question.
In UNIX environments the CLASSPATH separator is a colon character ':' and in Windows environments the CLASSPATH separator is a ';' character.
For example :
When running in a Windows environment the CLASSPATH may look like this (assuming the Siebel Server is installed in the C:\sia81\siebsrvr folder) :
When running in a UNIX environment the CLASSPATH may look like this (assuming the Siebel Server is installed in the C:\sia81\siebsrvr folder) :
${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/bicmn.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/bipres.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/collections.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/fix6312772.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/i18nAPI_v3.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/jdbc12.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/jewt4.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/share.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/Siebel.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/SiebelCustomXMLP.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/SiebelXMLP.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/versioninfo.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/xdocore.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/xdoparser.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/xmlparserv2-904.jar:${SIEBEL_HOME}/classes/XSLFunctions.jarwhere ${SIEBEL_HOME} is the actual path where the Siebel application is installed.
Important Notes :
1) In UNIX environments please take note of the case sensitivity of the Siebel.jar file in the CLASSPATH. Some documentation references show this as a lowercase filename (e.g. siebel.jar) which is incorrect. Please ensure that when setting the CLASSPATH parameter the filename is capitalized (e.g. Siebel.jar) as per the listing above.
2) If implementing the display of signatures within BI Publisher Reports then the following additional .jar files should be included in the CLASSPATH :
Related Products Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel Reports Keywords | |
Errors | |
SBL-EAI-05010; SBL-OMS-00203; SBL-OMS-00107; ERROR 229877; ERROR 1 | |
Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Siebel integrated with BI Publisher Server
SymptomsWhen uploading any out-of-the-box BI Publisher report, the message below is displayed:
SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySetObjMgrBusServiceLog
Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>(SBL-EAI-05010)
CauseDocument 850954.1 indicates this error is usually caused by incorrect entries for CLASSPATH and/or DLL in the named subsystem.
SolutionSome of the possible causes are listed below. Please make sure the configuration is set correctly:
1) Set JAVA_HOME system variable to JDK installation path (i.e. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_15) for Siebel and BI Publisher servers.
2) Confirm that you have copied the following files from the SIEBSRVR_ROOT/CLASSES directory:
- XSLFunctions.JAR
- SiebelCustomXMLP.JAR
- SiebelCustomXMLP_SIA.JAR
and paste them to the following Oracle Application Server directory:
3) Set JAR files in JVM Classpath parameter for XMLPJvmSubsys Profile Configuration as below:
a) Log in to the Server Manager command-line interface (srvrmgr program).
b) Execute the following command to change the CLASSPATH:
change param CLASSPATH=SIEBSRVR_ROOT\classes\SiebelXMLP.jar;SIEBSRVR_ROOT\classes\
for named subsystem XMLPJvmSubsys
Restart Siebel Server machine.
4) Navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > select your server > select XMLPReportServer component > Parameters > select "JVM Subsystem Name" parameter. The default value is "JAVA". Please, change it to XMLPJvmSubsys.
For further information on this topic please review Document 989142.1 What are the possible causes for the 'Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService' error ?
Applies to: Siebel Financial Services CRM - Version: SIA [20408] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 11-Feb-2010***
SymptomsAn error SBL-EAI-05010 was reported when attempting to run a Java Business Service. The following was seen in the detailed log :-
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 2008-06-20 10:26:46 CLASSPATH = /produit/siebel/8.0/sbldev/siebsrvr/classes/weblogic.jar;/produit/siebel/8.0/sbldev/siebsrvr/classes/Siebel.jar;
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 2008-06-20 10:26:48 Init : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 2008-06-20 10:26:48 (javabsvc.cpp (181)) SBL-EAI-05010: Nom de classe incorrect ou n'étend pas SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Translated error :-
SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/data/SiebelPropertySet -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
CauseThe NoClassDefFoundError indicates that the classloader or the Java Virtual Machine tried to load a class, and no definition of the class can be found.
In this case, the problem was with the separator character in the CLASSPATH. For Unix platforms, the seperator should be a colon (:). On Windows, a semi-colon (;) would be correct.
SolutionAfter amending the CLASSPATH in the JAVA named subsystem to use a colon (:) separator, the error no longer occurred.
Applies to: Siebel Reports - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Following error was seen when trying to generate the XLIFF file in thick client:
"Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>(SBL-EAI-05010)"
For [XMLPJvmSubsys] section, classpath name was having incorrect root directory name in the cfg file.
Classese are loaded to JVM for use by xdo engine to generate the reports,
Now, the path of these classes is taken from CLASSPATH parameter in [XMLPJvmSubsys] section of the cfg file.
Following was be seen in siebel.log file:
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Got following JVM parameters from 'XMLPJvmSubsys' jvm subsystem, JVM will be initialized based on these parameters.
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 DLL = C:\Progra~1\Java\jre1.5.0_11\bin\client\jvm.dll
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 CLASSPATH = F:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/SiebelXMLP.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/xdoparser.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/xdocore.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/xmlparserv2-904.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/versioninfo.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/share.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/jewt4.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/jdbc12.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/i18nAPI_v3.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/collections.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/bipres.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/bicmn.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/siebel.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/XSLFunctions.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2/classes/SiebelCustomXMLP.jar
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 VMOPTIONS = -Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM will be initialized with following parameters:
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM dll path = 'C:\Progra~1\Java\jre1.5.0_11\bin\client\jvm.dll'
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 VM options:
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 -Djava.class.path=F:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\SiebelXMLP.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xdoparser.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xdocore.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xmlparserv2-904.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\versioninfo.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\share.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\jewt4.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\jdbc12.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\i18nAPI_v3.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\collections.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\bipres.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\bicmn.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\siebel.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\XSLFunctions.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\SiebelCustomXMLP.jar
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 -Xmx100m
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 -Xrs
JVMInit JVMInitInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 -Djava.compiler=NONE
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM total VMOptions are 5
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM VMOptions for index 0 are -Djava.class.path=F:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\SiebelXMLP.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xdoparser.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xdocore.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\xmlparserv2-904.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\versioninfo.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\share.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\jewt4.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\jdbc12.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\i18nAPI_v3.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\collections.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\bipres.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\bicmn.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\siebel.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\XSLFunctions.jar;C:\Siebel\8.1\Client_2\classes\SiebelCustomXMLP.jar
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM VMOptions for index 1 are -Xmx100m
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM VMOptions for index 2 are -Xrs
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM VMOptions for index 3 are -Djava.compiler=NONE
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 JVM VMOptions for index 4 are vfprintf
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Property Set Initialization Begin
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Property Set Initialization Complete
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Business Service Proxy Initialization Begin
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Business Service Proxy Initialization Complete
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 New Business Service : com/siebel/apps/shared/xmlp/XMLPReportBusvc -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/siebel/apps/shared/xmlp/XMLPReportBusvc
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 (javabsvc.cpp (181)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/apps/shared/xmlp/XMLPReportBusvc -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/siebel/apps/shared/xmlp/XMLPReportBusvc
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Business Service 'XMLP Report Business Service' invoke method 'createXliff' Execute Time: 0.084 seconds.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 End: Business Service 'XMLP Report Business Service' invoke method: 'createXliff' at 15e75688
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (890)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : <?>
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 Business Service 'XMLP Adapter Service' invoke method 'CreateXliff' Execute Time: 0.091 seconds.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000000024d4c1364:0 2011-02-04 19:37:20 End: Business Service 'XMLP Adapter Service' invoke method: 'CreateXliff' at 15edc0a8
In above log excerpts, it can seen that CLASSPATH is containing F: as the root directory name while C: was the correct root directory being used.
- Navigate to <siebelRoot>/client/bin/enu folder
- Open the related cfg file.
- Change the CLASSPATH parameter in [XMLPJvmSubsys] section of the cfg file to point to correct root directory.
Applies to: Siebel Finance Call Center - Version: SIA [19230] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
When using Java Business service it may throw the error such:
Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/xxx/siebel/MyTestBS -- JVM Exception:java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/xxx/siebel/MyTestBS (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)(SBL-EAI-05010)
This error can be generated if the version used to compile the JBS differs from the version used by siebel to run (jre) the JBS.
Verify the version used to run the JBS:
1 - If using dedicated client, it is located in the [JAVA] session under the DLL parameter.
2 - If using thin client, verify in the JAVA subsystem that your component run (generally JAVA) and check the parameter DLL.
If the versions don't match, compile the java code using the same version used by Siebel and try again.
It's also possible to change the jre version used by Siebel. Please refer to Siebel SPSP for more details on supported java versions for each Siebel version.
Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: 7.7.1 [18306] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306]
Database: Oracle 9i
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1574168682.
""""Checked for relevance on 29-OCT-2010""""
SymptomsSBL-OMS-00107, SBL-EAI-05010
We have deployed a workflow from Tools for testing, involving Siebel Server task for the component JMS Receiver.
Have created two Named subsystems:
Create named subsystem SMCC_Campaign_ReceiveDispatch for subsystem JMSSubsys with ConnectionFactory=â€QueueConnectionFactoryâ€, ReceiveQueue=â€SMCC.Sub.Campaign.Updateâ€, SendQueue=†SMCC.Sub.Campaign.Updateâ€, ReceiveTimeout=1000
The JVMSubsys for the above subsystem created is JAVA
Alias Subsystem type
Java JVMSubSys
parameters are:
Classpath D:\sea77\siebsrvr\CLASSES\Siebel.jar;D:\sea77\siebsrvr\CLASSES\SiebelJI_enu.jar;
DLL C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.0\bin\client\jvm.dll
VMOPTIONS -Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE -Djms.log=C:\tibco\JMS\clients\java\JMSlog.txt
2. Datahandling Subsystem
Create named subsystem SMCC_Campaign_Data_Subsystem for subsystem EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys with DispatchworkflowProcess=â€SMCC Create Campaignâ€
When we run the Task
srvrmgr:SS_MKSBLGDV2> start task for comp JMSReceiver with ReceiverConnectionSubsystem=SMCC_Campaign_ReceiveDispatch, ReceiverDataHandlingSubsystem=SMCC_Campaign_Data_Subsystem, ReceiverMethodName=ReceiveDispatchSend
The Error we are getting in the log view:
(javabsvc.cpp (164)) SBL-EAI-05010: Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/eai/jms/JMSBusinessService -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/ExceptionListener
Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/eai/jms/JMSBusinessService -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/ExceptionListener(SBL-EAI-05010) (0x831b))
.( (0) err=4300107 sys=33563) SBL-OMS-00107: Object manager error: ([0] Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService : com/siebel/eai/jms/JMSBusinessService -- JVM Exception:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/jms/ExceptionListener(
4,5,6.(eaircvr.cpp (506) err=3500953 sys=0) SB...
CauseIncorrect CLASSPATH setting
SolutionThe issue was resolved by adding the current classpath in the JVM Classpath parameter in JVM Named subsystem.
For example, use the following
Note the . at the end for the current classpath.
Support recommends the following document as a starting point to troubleshooting JMS issues:
NOTE: 850954.1 Basic Troubleshooting Steps for EAI JMS Transport
ReferencesNOTE:850954.1 - Basic Troubleshooting Steps for EAI JMS Transport
Applies to: Siebel CRM - Version: 7.7.1 SIA [18306] to 8.1.1 [21112] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
SymptomsWhen invoking a java business service using a siebel dedicated client an error was reported as below:-
"Class name incorrect or does not extend SiebelBusinessService: com/fis/tes/jbs/JavaBusinessService -- JVM Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/fis/tes/jbs/JavaBusinessService (SBL-EAI-05010).
The 'JAVA' subsystem was created with the following parameters:-
CauseFurther investigation revealed that there was a package declaration within the custom java code and the CLASSPATH parameter was not set correctly to include the .class or the .jar file.
Solution1. If .class files are to be used instead of .jar files, the root directory containing the package must be specified in the CLASSPATH.
For example, say the "AddBusinessService" is a java program that has a package declaration as below :-
package com.mycompany.jbs
Further assume that the java program is placed within folder structure (package) com\mycompany\jbs within the D:\classes folder.
On compiling the java program :-
D:\classes\com\mycompany\jbs> javac .
a class file "AddBusinessService.class" will be generated within the package (folder) structure “com\mycompany\jbsâ€.
To successfully run the java business service :-
a. Set the Java Business Service Property "@class" as :-
b. Set the CLASSPATH parameter as :-
CLASSPATH = D:\com\mycompany\jbs\Siebel.jar;D:\com\mycompany\jbs\SiebelJI_enu.jar;D:\classes;.
2. If jar files are to be used instead of .class exerise caution while creating the jar.
So for the above example, one could create a jar using the following command :-
D:\classes>jar -cvf AddBusinessService.jar -C . *.*
This will create a AddBusinessService.jar inside the D:\classes folder.
To successfully run the java business service :-
a. Set the Java Business Service Property "@class" as :-
b. Set the CLASSPATH parameter as :-
CLASSPATH = D:\com\mycompany\jbs\Siebel.jar;D:\com\mycompany\jbs\SiebelJI_enu.jar;D:\classes\AddBusinessService.jar;.
Related Products Siebel > Customer Relationship Management > CRM - Enterprise Edition > Siebel CRM Errors | |
SBL-EAI-05010; SBL-EAI-50100 | |
= C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\CLASSES\Siebel.jar;C:\Program Files\Siebel\8.0\Tools\CLASSES\SiebelJI_enu.jar;C:\JavaBusinessService.jar;
DLL = C:\Borland\JBuilder2006\jdk1.5\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
VMOPTIONS = -Xrs -Xusealtsigs -Djava.compiler=NONE -Djms.log=C:\log\jbs.
In Siebel Tools the java business service user property "@class" was set to the fully qualified name of the java class file i.e com.fis.tes.jbs.JavaBusinessService.
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