Thursday, April 25, 2013

Fixing date field Jumbing in Siebel open UI

There might be some issue with date input field. We need to edit the css files to fix this problem.
I got the same problem in vanila SRF also.

Above image is before selecting/clicking calender Icon

After clicking calender icon. You can see its length is increased.

To solve this probelm, go to
theme-base.css file in your "files" folder.

.mceGridField input.siebui-input-popup {
        max-width: 119px;

Here   max-width: 119px is given as our input filed. If you need more than this width, you can alter this.

Friday, April 19, 2013

GetProfileAttr/SetProfileAttr not Working in Siebel

In version, SetProfileAttr() has been disabled for HTTP calls as a security fix.
That means if you have a browser scripts uses SetProfileAttr(), it won't work. No change to GetProfileAttr() access.
Oracle disable this "SetProfileAttr()" as a security fix. So enabling this is not recommended.

SetProfileAttr() access can be turned on by setting the server parameter �EditProfileAttr� value to TRUE

GetProfileAttr/SetProfileAttr not Working in Siebel

In version, SetProfileAttr() has been disabled for HTTP calls as a security fix.
That means if you have a browser scripts uses SetProfileAttr(), it won't work. No change to GetProfileAttr() access.
Oracle disable this "SetProfileAttr()" as a security fix. So enabling this is not recommended.

SetProfileAttr() access can be turned on by setting the server parameter “EditProfileAttr” value to TRUE

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Siebel Mobile Connected Apps - Side effects of custom toggle applets.

We've been doing some development on the very new Siebel mobile connected apps. The Siebel Mobile app is a huge and exciting addition to Siebel CRM. However, Just like all new products, you can expect some product defects in the initial version of the software.

We will be updating this blog with all the bugs we come accross and their workarounds untill we have a permanent solution from Oracle.

Issue: Side effects of custom toggle applet in Siebel Mobile connected apps.

Here is how you can reproduce the Issue -

Create a toggle applet on a Form Applet to toggle on a particular LOV value. Lets say the LOV toggle Value is 'Retailer'

Issue 1 - (New Record renders the applet in Base Mode)

The applet opens in Base mode when the record context is the value (Retailer) used for the toggle in the list applet. However when you create a new record from other types record, this does not happen.

Issue 2 - (Toggling back from the toggle applet, renders the applet in Base Mode)

After you have selected the Toggle, and the toggle applet is active switch back to another LOV so the original applet loads. The applet switches to Base mode instead of staying on Edit mode.

Issue 3 - (Applet switches to List Applet on New record instead of opening the entry form applet) - Happens only in iPhone Mode

Upon creating a new record the applet switches to List mode (without loosing context, which is Ok). You then have to tap on the record again to go to Detail mode to edit/ enter data


The workaround to the above three issues would be to do away with the base mode completely, and have the applet render in Edit Mode at all times. You can do this by simply selecting the Applet Mode to Edit in the View web template items property.

Although, this is not the best approach to have a record editable at all times, especially when using a touch phone/pad. Its the only way that can keep the toggle from not breaking.

Any other workarounds are very welcome!


Friday, April 5, 2013


Applies to:

Siebel Assignment Manager - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.5.3 [16157]

Database: Oracle 9i

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 2

Database Server OS: Redhat Linux Advanced Server 2.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1464958381.


Customer getting the following messages in the Assignment Manager Log

2004-07-28 22:41:53 2004-08-20 18:44:08 -0700 00000005 001 001f 0001 09
AsgnSrvr 31802 4964 792 C:\sea752\siebsrvr\log\AsgnSrvr_31802.log 7.5.3
[16157] ENU ServerLog    LstnObjInherit    3   
2004-07-28 22:41:53    Inherited listening object for port 49159 ServerLog    LstnObjPrivCreate    3   
22:41:53    Created port 49177 for Assignment Manager
GenericLog    GenericError    1    2004-08-20 18:43:36    (scirkey.cpp
13(819) err=2001074 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01074: Routing key All AM Rule Set
was not found GenericLog    GenericError    1    2004-08-20
18:43:36    (scirkey.cpp 13(285) err=2001074 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01074:
Routing key (null) was not found
GenericLog    GenericError    1    2004-08-20 18:43:36    (scirkey.cpp
13(1020) err=2001074 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01074: Routing key (null) was not


some assignment rules were changed when the error started


This is a benign error in the log file and can be ignored.


To avoid this error message in the log file, Please set the logging level to minimal for the assignment manager component.

There is an existing change request 12-M7NBG9 logged for this error messages in the log file.

Applies to:

Siebel Test Automation Interfaces - Version 8.0 SIA [20405] to SIA[23016] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Checked for relevance 28-02-2012


How to change advanced component parameter using srvrmgr, e.g. set MaxSkillsAge to 60 for comp AsgnSrvr?


Please note that you will need to specify the "advanced" keyword
when listing the parameter but not when changing or modifying the
parameter setting. The command should be used as below.

srvrmgr> list advanced param MaxSkillsAge for comp AsgnSrvr

srvrmgr> change param MaxSkillsAge=60 for comp AsgnSrvr


Running the following command will give error:

srvrmgr>change advanced param MaxSkillsAge=60 for comp AsgnSrvr
SBL-GEN-00001: (svradml.cpp: 222) error code = 1, system error = 0, msg1 = (null), msg2 = (null), msg3 = (null), msg4 = (null)

There were following Generic Error in AsgnSrvr logs::

GenericError 1 0 2010-08-30 22:17:19 (scirkey.cpp (286) err=2001074
sys=0) SBL-SVR-01074: Routing key All AM Rule Set was n
ot found.
GenericError 1 0 2010-08-30 22:17:19 (scirkey.cpp (1021) err=2001074
sys=0) SBL-SVR-01074: Routing key All AM Rule Set was
not found.
Generic Error 1 0 2010-08-30 22:17:19 Could not deregister default key "All AM Rule Set"


Applies to:

Siebel Scheduling - Version: SIA [19219] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19219] NLD Pub Sect

Database: Oracle 10g

Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3035897353.


The customer had created a new Siebel environment and copied the
database from another existing environment to this new environment.
The initial server key mappings for the Appointment Booking Service
(ABS) were in the database when it was copied to the new environment.
This means that the new environment had server key mappings which
pointed to a non-existing server.
- When it was first started, ABS errored out due to the fact that the server key mappings were invalid.
The server key mappings were updated with the new Siebel server name,
and the Siebel service was restarted after changing the server key
- When the Siebel server is restarted, the ABS tries to start but fails with SIGABRT.

The Siebel server log says:
ProcessCreate 1 0 2006-05-10 16:03:18 Serverproces met
meerdere threads aangemaakt (PID besturingssysteem = 376842) voor
Appointment Booking Engine met taak-ID 6306
ServerLog ProcessExit
1 0 2006-05-10 16:04:02 ApptBook 6306
SBL-OSD-02006 Process exited with error - Proces beëindigd vanwege
ontvangen van signaal SIGABRT.
After 10 retries it gives up.

In the ApptBook log it says:
GenericError 1 0 2006-05-09 18:21:30 (scirkey.cpp (215)
err=2001069 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: Deze component, die gebruikmaakt van
unieke sleutels, probeert een bestaande sleutel vast te leggen (1-URXGL)
GenericError 1 0 2006-05-09 18:21:30 (scirkey.cpp (987)
err=2001069 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: Deze component, die gebruikmaakt van
unieke sleutels, probeert een bestaande sleutel vast te leggen (1-URXGL)
Warning 2 0 2006-05-09 18:21:30 De engine kan
serviceregio 1-URXGL (1) niet registreren bij Siebel Server SRCWIT102.
Warning 2 0 2006-05-09 18:21:30 De engine kan geen
serviceregio registreren bij Siebel Server SRCWIT102.
This behavior happens when executing the BusSvcMgrInit and ReloadServiceRegion methods.

Translation of error messages:
* SBL-OSD-02006 - Process exited because it received signal SIGABRT.
* SBL-SVR-01069 - This component is using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key (1-URXGL)
* SBL-ABS-00109 - The engine failed to register any service region with Siebel server 'SRCWIT102'


The behavior was caused by the previously existing server key mappings pointing to a different environment.
seems that somewhere the server key mapping is stored and even after
updating it and restarting the Siebel server, it still has not
deregistered the previous server key.


Just changing the server key mappings to the correct Siebel server did not resolve the behavior.
It was necessary to recreate the mappings by deleting and adding the correct lines.

Keywords: SBL-ABS-00109, SBL-ABS-00110, Server Key Mappings, Register,
Service Region, BusSvcMgrInit, ReloadServiceRegion, ApptBook, ABS,

Applies to:

Siebel Scheduling - Version: SIA[20430] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


ABS is not loading the service regions on all Siebel Servers upon Siebel Server service or ApptBook component restart.

Specific Error Message:

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06
(scirkey.cpp (232) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06
(scirkey.cpp (1047) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

Execution Warning 2 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06 The
engine failed to register service region '1-8E7-113 (1)' with Siebel
Server 'aixprd10'.

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06
(scirkey.cpp (232) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06
(scirkey.cpp (1047) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

Execution Warning 2 000000054ca3f0fe:0 2010-09-29 17:39:06 The
engine failed to register service region '1-8E7-100 (2)' with Siebel
Server 'aixprd10'.

Sequence of Event:

1. Restart Siebel Server service or ApptBook component.

The ApptBook component is enabled and online.

2. Service Regions are loaded in ABS cache with error SBL-SVR-01069.

What is working:

Click on Load ABS on each Service Region to reload all the service
regions, and all are loaded and registered successfully without error


Affecting Assignment Booking in both UAT and Production environments.

Siebel version: SIA [20430] QF0858 , Siebel Server: IBM AIX on POWER Systems (32-bit), Database: Oracle

UAT has one Siebel Server 'aixuat06', it is a multi-processor machine.

Production has two Siebel Servers 'aixprd10' and 'aixprd14', both are multi-processor machines.


On multiprocessor machine, Service Regions can be mapped to ApptBook
component on multiple processess, and each process is represented by a
process#. It is accomplished by setting MinMTServers = MaxMTServers >
1for ApptBook component, e.g., MinMTServers = MaxMTServers = 4 for
ApptBook component. And the error SBL-SVR-01069 in loading Service
Regions only happens to Service Regions mapped to multiple processes,
i.e., more than one process#. If Service Regions are mapped to ApptBook
component on one process only which is accomplished by setting
MinMTServers = MaxMTServers = 1, then the error SBL-SVR-01069 doesn't
happen when loading Service Regions.

The service regions loaded in the very 1st process don't have the error,
and in ApptBook log for Process 1 doesn't have any error, this can be
seen in ApptBook_0025_26214403.log from

Execution Trace 3 000000054cb670ee:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27 The engine
registered service region '1-EEUQWC (1)' with siebel server 'aixuat06'.

Execution Trace 3 000000054cb670ee:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27 The engine
registered service region '1-EEUQWO (1)' with siebel server 'aixuat06'.

The service regions loaded after 1st process have the error, because for
each process ApptBook always starts with all service regions with
Service Region's ROW_ID and Process# in ascending order, we can see from
ApptBook_0027_28311555.log from the SQL being executed
in the log that select all service regions with Service Region's ROW_ID
in ascending order, and the error:

ObjMgrSqlLog Detail 4 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:26 SELECT statement with ID: 3056F2F8






















ObjMgrSqlLog Detail 4 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:26 Bind variable 1: aixuat06

ObjMgrSqlLog Detail 4 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:26 Bind variable 2: ApptBook

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27
(scirkey.cpp (232) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

GenericLog GenericError 1 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27
(scirkey.cpp (1047) err=1311789 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is
using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key

Execution Warning 2 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27 The engine
failed to register service region '1-EEUQWC (1)' with Siebel Server

The ones already loaded will get the error, as shown as above error,
until it gets to the ones to be loaded on the designated process#, and
then load them successfully in the designated process#:

Execution Trace 3 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27 The engine
registered service region '1-EEUQVX (2)' with siebel server 'aixuat06'.

Execution Trace 3 000000054cb6901c:0 2010-10-13 16:11:27 The engine
registered service region '1-EEUQWX (2)' with siebel server 'aixuat06'.

And it goes like this until all Service Regions in all processes are loaded.


1. Use the existing Service Region configuration in place which is multiple server processor mappings, no changes needed:

- MinMTServers = MaxMTServers = 4 for ApptBook component on each Siebel Server.

- Map Service Regions to one of the 4 process#: 1, 2, 3, 4 for ApptBook
component on Siebel Servers in Server Key Mappings In client application
> Site Map > Administration - Scheduling:


4 aixuat06 1-EEUQVL 1-35D5

4 aixuat06 1-EEUQVO 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQVR 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQVU 1-35D5

2 aixuat06 1-EEUQVX 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQW0 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQW3 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQW6 1-35D5

4 aixuat06 1-EEUQW9 1-35D5

1 aixuat06 1-EEUQWC 1-35D5

4 aixuat06 1-EEUQWF 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQWI 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQWL 1-35D5

4 aixuat06 1-EEUQX0 1-35D5

1 aixuat06 1-EEUQWO 1-35D5

3 aixuat06 1-EEUQWR 1-35D5

4 aixuat06 1-EEUQWU 1-35D5

2 aixuat06 1-EEUQWX 1-35D5

2. The error SBL-SVR-01069 in loading Service Regions in the multiple
processor mappings should be benign and can be ingored. The Service
Region's Server Key Mappings should be correct. The Documentation
Enhancement CR 10602873 has been created to document the following in
Siebel Field Services Guide:


Multiple Processor Support documentation needs to include the following:

Restarting Siebel Server which restarts ApptBook component, you get
error SBL-SVR-01069 in Process 2 trying to load the Service Region
already loaded on Process 1:

SBL-SVR-01069: This component is using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing key (1-CSIQ)

The engine failed to register service region '1-CSIQ (1)' with Siebel Server 'siebsrvr1'.

Book an appointment with service region 1-CSIQ right after without
reloading by executing Load ABS on 1-CSIQ, and it is successful.

Explanation is as long as Service Regions are mapped to multiple
processes, you will get SBL-SVR-01069 for higher process# > 1 because
Service Regions are loaded sequentially starting with lowest process#
during ApptBook component starts up, the error SBL-SVR-01069 is
informational, it is benign.


Applies to:

Siebel Scheduling - Version: SIA [16180] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: SIA [16180] and above

Database: Any Database

Application Server OS: Any Application Server OS

Database Server OS: Any Database Server OS

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2743675661.


Customer created a workflow process which uses the "Server Request"
business service to submit a request to the Appointment Booking Service
(ABS) to run the ReloadServiceRegion method. This workflow process is
scheduled to run every day at 5:00 AM.

When the Siebel Server
services first come up, the Appointment Booking Engine is also online
and the ApptBook component is able to register each service region and
load each service region into cache. Users are then able to book
appointments throughout the day. However, once the workflow process to
reload service region is executed the following happens:

a. The resulting ApptBook task that attempts to reload service regions fails with error message:
GenericError 1 2005-12-16 05:02:33 (scirkey.cpp 13(986)
err=2001069 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01069: This component is using unique keys
and it is trying to register an existing key ((null))
Warning 2 2005-12-16 05:02:33 The engine failed to register
service region '1-1J6MMA (1)' with Siebel server 'V04751S846'.

The ApptBook component stopped returning appointments to the users.
Rather, the ApptBook component returned an error message to the user as
ApptBook with key [1-1J6MMA] is not available


Upon checking the customer's log files, they revealed the following:


[1] The ApptBook component came up when Siebel Server started:

ProcessCreate 1 2005-12-15 16:49:30 Created multithreaded
server process (OS pid = 3032) for Appointment Booking Engine with task
id 51265
ServerLog ProcessCreate 1 2005-12-16
05:02:18 Created server process (OS pid = 2836) for Siebel Server
Scheduler with task id 51499
; A new ApptBook process started here,
before the original one even completed. It is unclear at this time why a
new ApptBook process was started.
ServerLog ProcessExit 1 2005-12-16 05:17:05 ApptBook 51265 SUCCESS Process completed Successfully
; After 15 minutes the original ApptBook process was shutdown.


In the ApptBook_51265.log component log file for the above old process,
we can see all 4 service regions registered and loaded:

2005-12-15 16:49:31 2005-12-16 05:17:05 -0500 00003f99 001 001f 0001 09
ApptBook 51265 3032 3028 C:\sea752\siebsrvr\log\ApptBook_51265.log [16272] ENU
Execution Trace 3 2005-12-15
16:50:06 The engine registered service region '1-1J6MMA (1)' with
siebel server 'V04751S846'.
Execution Trace 3 2005-12-15
16:50:06 The engine registered service region '1-1J6MMB (1)' with
siebel server 'V04751S846'.
Execution Trace 3 2005-12-15
16:50:06 The engine registered service region '1-1LFGZZ (1)' with
siebel server 'V04751S846'.
Execution Trace 3 2005-12-15
16:50:06 The engine registered service region '1-1LFH00 (1)' with
siebel server 'V04751S846'.


[3] For the new ApptBook process, the component tried to register a service region with the Server Request Broker but failed:

2005-12-16 05:02:18 0000-00-00 00:00:00 -0500 00000000 001 001f 0001 09
ApptBook 51499 2836 2812 C:\sea752\siebsrvr\log\ApptBook_51499.log [16272] ENU
GenericLog GenericError 1
2005-12-16 05:02:33 (scirkey.cpp 13(214) err=2001069 sys=0)
SBL-SVR-01069: This component is using unique keys and it is trying to
register an existing key (1-1J6MMA)
GenericLog GenericError 1
2005-12-16 05:02:33 (scirkey.cpp 13(986) err=2001069 sys=0)
SBL-SVR-01069: This component is using unique keys and it is trying to
register an existing key ((null))
Execution Warning 2
2005-12-16 05:02:33 The engine failed to register service region
'1-1J6MMA (1)' with Siebel server 'V04751S846'.
ObjMgrBusCompLog Delete 4 2005-12-16 05:02:33 BusComp was deleted d8bd578 "Scheduler Server Keys"
SQL SQL 4 2005-12-16 05:02:33 4 row(s) retrieved by ID: D9DDB20
Warning 2 2005-12-16 05:02:33 The engine failed to register
any service region with Siebel server 'V04751S846'.
InvokeMethod 4 2005-12-16 05:02:33 Business Service
'Appointment Booking Service' invoke method 'BusSvcMgrInit' Execute
Time: 0.178 seconds.

It seems that the original ApptBook
process/pid was up along with the Siebel Server services and it was
working fine. However, somehow another ApptBook process got started and
caused the original one to shutdown. The new pid was not able to
register with SRBroker as SRBroker already saw the same key from the
earlier ApptBook task, and it cannot register an existing key.


[4] When checking one of the ApptBook log files that had some parameter information, this information was found:

TaskConfig TaskCfgParamInit 4 2005-12-16 05:02:18 Maximum MT Servers : 5
TaskConfig TaskCfgParamInit 4 2005-12-16 05:02:18 Memory-based multithread component recycling : FALSE
TaskConfig TaskCfgParamInit 4 2005-12-16 05:02:18 Process memory usage limit : 1500
TaskConfig TaskCfgParamInit 4 2005-12-16 05:02:18 Minimum MT Servers : 1
TaskConfig TaskCfgParamInit 4 2005-12-16 05:02:18 Maximum Tasks : 20

Note how Max MT = 5, meaning that if needed, there can be 5 ApptBook concurrent processes running.
Min MT = 1, meaning that when ApptBook component first comes online, only one ApptBook process is running.

Tasks = 20, meaning that 1 process can only handle 20 concurrent tasks.
If the 21st request comes into ApptBook, then a new ApptBook process is
started up to handle the 21st - 40th concurrent tasks. This is the
reason why the new ApptBook process was automatically started while the
original ApptBook process was still running.

However, the new
ApptBook process could not register itself nor the service regions with
SRBroker because the Server Key Mappings says that all service regions
are running on ApptBook process # 1 (Process # 1 being the 1st ABS
process that was started from the Siebel server services startup).


In order to address this behaviour, customer was suggested to do the following:

Customer currently has all service regions registered to Process # 1 of
ABS. Thus, they should only have Minimum MT Server = 1. If it is
expected that there would be more than 20 concurrent tasks for ABS, the
Maximum Tasks parameter value on on ABS can be increased to 100 tasks.

Then, change the Maximum MT Server on ABS to 1, so that there is only
one ABS process running on the system since all the service regions in
this case are registered to only 1 process anyway.

3. After applying above changes, restart the Siebel servers.

having Min and Max MTS = 1 and Maximum Tasks = 100 is not able to
support the number of concurrent requests for ABS, another alternative
is to do the following:

Set Min and Max MTS = 4
Update the Service Region's Server Key Mapping to have 1 Service Region per ApptBook Process #:

Service Region 1 -> Process # 1
Service Region 4 -> Process # 4

This way, the load can be distributed across multiple ApptBook processes according to service regions.

customer applied the approach to set Min MT = 1, Max MT = 1, Max Tasks =
100, all 4 service regions mapped to Process # 1 of ApptBook component,
and this setting helped resolve the behaviour they were seeing. When
their workflow runs to reload service regions, each service region was
reloaded successfully. In addition, the ApptBook component continued to
work properly to return appointments to the users after the service
region cache was updated.

Search keywords: ABS, apptbook,
book appointment, reload service region, workflow, submit, request,
error, failure, component, restart, shutdown, recycle, startup, This
component is using unique keys and it is trying to register an existing
key , The engine failed to register service region, ApptBook with key,
is not available, process, multiple, MTS, MT, minimum, maximum, tasks

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Professional)

Version: 7.7.2 [18325] FRA

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1889334041.



Dear support,

For your general understanding:
LoyEngineBatch is configured with following parameters:
LOY - Engine Queue Objects: Transaction:500,Tier:15
LOY - Engine Number of Runs: - 1
We have defined 50 server Keys and assigned them to 2 processes

we need to find the way to submit component request, which would:
1. process transactions (in order to update member field attributes)
process tiers (the search spec takes into account member field
attributes which are updated by the processing of transactions)

Would it be possible that only one object type would get processed with the dos cmd below ?

a) We have processed transactions and tiers with following dos cmd:

start task for component LoyEngineBatch
start task for component LoyEngineBatch
sleep 60
start task for component LoyEngineBatch
start task for component LoyEngineBatch
start task for component LoyEngineBatch
start task for component LoyEngineBatch

We have queried in the database and realised that for members which
were assigned to process 2, transactions were processed but not the

c) we have shutdowned the component and resumed our test: tiers were all processed.

How can we avoid this from happening ?


Message 1

For the benefit of the readers,

Question: During the
implementation of the Loyalty environment, some questions were raised
about the starting of tasks from the command line. The reproduction of
this behavior and the troubleshooting of this lead to the following
information raised/clarified.

    *You need to set
the MinMTServer=MaxMTServer=<Number of Loyalty Process on your
Siebel server>=2 for the sake of the example. This is independent on
the number of Server Key you will associate to each pair server/process.
order to start the Loyalty Batch Engine, you can either run a "Workflow
Process Manager" job for the process "LOY Engine - Start Engine" in
which you will set the number of processes and the number of thread per
process to the value required for your environment. Both are set to 1 by
default. This will start a number of Batch Engine tasks as per the
formula (1 + (1 + Thread/Process #)) * # of Processes which is a minimum
of 3 tasks per process. This makes 6 tasks in our example.
*You can alternatively start these tasks manually as per the customer description.
first task will make the MTServer determine to which process it will be
associated. In our example the second task will be associated to the
2nd key. The only way to confirm that is by reading the log in which the
SRMRouting event has been set to 4.

Enhancement Change Request
12-VM0YFD: "Please add a way to read the process associated to a task
via the srvrmgr" has been opened to have an easier way of verification.
Change Request 12-VLY7CK: "Error SBL-SVR-01069 while choosing the
process to work for the LoyEngineBatch tasks" has been opened to remove
this message which is the expected behavior.
*Please note that a the
startup of your server, you will have one log file per MTServer has this
process require to start its listener on a TCP port.
*Please also
note that in the Server Administration task view, you will see the
entries from the S_SRM_REQUEST table which are requests for tasks and
not tasks.
*When you activate a Promotion, this will generate a
request for a task in order to update the Cache in the Batch Engine
*If you do this when the Engine Tasks are not fully
started, this will result in left over request that will need to be
cleaned up with the component SvrTblCleanup.


Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: SIA [19221] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3199007053.


SBL-SVR-01068We are getting frequent SIGABRT error for "Workflow Proc Batch Mgr" comp and on checking its
corresponding logs of each of the exited tasks.It is giving the below error:

tasks are the one which is leading to a crash and generating a

GenericLog    GenericError    1    0    2006-11-14
07:56:55    (scirkey.cpp (121) err=2001068 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01068: This
component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing"

I've gone through the Supportweb and
found a solution mentioned bellow : I tried to implement the same,though it gave successful
change message,but it didn't reflect the change on listing the value.


param KeyBasedEnabled = TRUE for comp WfProcBatchMgr

    *This allowed
the component to run without this error but still the Tier changes were not

I've even tried to compare this with other test enviornment but could see it
as TRUE or False on some of the instances.Kindly help us in understanding this parameter



Configuration/ Setup


Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

The customer was running a Siebel eCommunications environment
and had recently started seeing SIGABRT errors which appeared to result
from Workflow Process Batch Manager instances running on the enterprise.
In addition to the SIGABRT errors the crashing processes also reported
the following error :

GenericLog    GenericError    1    0    2006-11-14
07:56:55    (scirkey.cpp (121) err=2001068 sys=0) SBL-SVR-01068: This
component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing"

The error message suggests that the component should be enabled for
'Key-Based Routing' but this specific form of request routing based on a
generated key for particular instances of a component is restricted in
its use. It was not expected that the WfProcBatchMgr component would
make use of this functionality and the error message appears to be
misleading. For further information on Key-Based Routing please refer to
'Siebel Field Service Guide > Scheduling and Dispatch >
Scheduling Administration > Setting Up Server Processes, Performance,
and Key-Based Routing' and Technical Note 641: How Assignment Manager,
Rule Group, and Server Key Mapping Interact.

Following comparison of the component configuration between this and
other functioning environments it was established that a number of LOV
entries were missing in the problematic Test environment and which were
required by the Workflow Process being run. (continued...)

This appeared to result in the SIGABRT errors in the component and
misleading error messages being seen in the log files. Once the customer
migrated the missing LOV entries the processes functioned correctly.

Keywords : Key, Based, Routing, enabled, Key-Based, SBL-SVR-01068, WfProcBatchMgr, SIGABRT, LOV, List of Values, KeyBasedEnabled

Applies to:

Siebel Loyalty Engine - Version: SIA [18356] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [18356] Travel

Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 5

Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2


SBL-LTY-00109, SBL-SVR-01068

Hi siebel support

We have created a custom version of the
eLoyalty Processing Engine with Name = eLoyalty Tier Processing engine.
Purpose of this is to process tier changes nightly.
Creation of this
and how to make it run was discussed in other service request but we
managed to make it run in our Test envinronment. Now that we have
created the exact same component in UAT, it errors when trying to start
The errormessage in the logfile is:
"SBL-LTY-00109: The
process was unable to find an available server routing key to register.
Please check the loyalty server key definition of your system."
"SBL-SVR-01068: This component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing""

These messages comes right after this SQL:
       siebel.S_LOY_SRV_MAP T1
      (T1.SERVER_NAME = ?)
ObjMgrSqlLog    Detail    4    0    2005-09-20 19:29:26    Bind variable 1: uat_loy

Which returns my Server Key map i run directly against the database.

Please see attached logfile.


The cause was the copied component did not copy all component parameters correctly


Symptoms: After creating a new Loyalty Batch Engine Component, it does not start and gives the error message :
The process was unable to find an available server routing key to
register. Please check the loyalty server key definition of your
    "SBL-SVR-01068: This component is not enabled for "Key Based Routing""

    *The List of Values LOY_ENGINE_COMPONENT_KEYED for the component LoyTierEngineBatch is present in the system.
    *Indirect SupportWeb search lead to find that the SBL-SVR-01068 was caused by the advanced parameter KeyBasedEnabled.

    By using the srvrmgr command line utility :
        list advanced param KeyBasedEnabled for comp LoyEngineBatch
        list advanced param KeyBasedEnabled for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
        -> False
        change param KeyBasedEnabled = TRUE for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
    *This allowed the component to run without this error but still the Tier changes were not changed.
    *Copying of component is very sensitive as there are many parameters to review.
    *By using again the srvrmgr command line utility:
        spool <myspool1.out>
        list param for comp LoyEngineBatch
        spool off
        spool <myspool2.out>
        list param for comp LoyTierEngineBatch
        spool off
    *By comparing the 2 spool files, it was found out that the Maximum Tasks had been left to 1 instead of 20.

Applies to:

Siebel Loyalty Engine - Version: SIA [19221] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [19221] SVE Transp

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3073606491.


SBL-SVR-01068, SBL-BPR-00162Customer had an issue with the component ‘eLoyalty Processing Engine -

On the server, we try to process a transaction with the Realtime component
using the 'Process' button in the GUI. We get the following error:
[1] Error invoking service
'LOY Processing Engine', method 'SubmitObjectForProcessing' at step 'Invoke Submit
[2] Could not route message to LoyEngineRealtime with registered key
[3] no other server

Processing the transaction on the dedicated
client, the transaction is processed successfully.


The Loyalty component was not assigned and synchronised on the server


Unassigning and re-assigning the Loyalty Batch Engine component, then
synchronising the componets resolved the issue for this customer


Applies to:

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager - Version [20412] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.

***Checked for relevance on 04-Dec-2012***


The EIM DELETE task does not complete successfully when deleting
rows from S_CON_ADDR using EIM_ADDR_PER. The following errors are seen
in the Server Manager Command line window when the EIM task is executed
from the same:

SBL-ADM-60070: Error reported one server “SIEBEIM8” follows:
SBL-SVR-01054: The task exited without sending has response.
In attachment, a file log, a print screen and an ifb.


The following entry in the EIM-Log file is relevant:

* [Del MyDelete] batch 100, step 2, pass 107: locate by user key
* (started at 6/9/08 3:03)

?1: 100

The problem is that the UPDATE statement from above is also checking for

those columns are not considered for the EIM_ADDR_PER load then the
DELETE EXACT operation is failing as seen in the EIM-Log file:

"...Process [Del MyDelete] had 1 row fail
on EIM_ADDR_PER for batch 100 in step 2, pass 107:
Exact specification of rows were not found. (severity 4, row eliminated)

Rows which were specfied using exact deletion were not found by the user keys
specified in the interface table. Check that the key values specified in the IF
table exactly match a row in only one base table.

The rows were eliminated from further processing in this IF table. Processing
will continue for other rows in this interface table..."


columns via their respective EIM_ADDR_PER columns resolves the
behaviour. A sample script and IFB-File is shown below:





'MyAccntStreetAddress1, MyAccntCity1', -- S_ADDR_PER


'Default Organization',


[Siebel Interface Manager]
PROCESS = Del MyDelete

[Del MyDelete]
BATCH = 100

Applies to:

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager - Version: SIA [20408] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)

Version: [20408] Life Sci

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3460398791.


I'm getting the following error when trying to run EIM. This .ifb used to work.

SBL-ADM-60070: Error reported on server 'SblCRMDev01' follows:

SBL-SVR-01054: The task exited without sending a response.

The only difference that I know of is that we have extended EIM_CONTACT
several times. We didn't have a problem for the other ones, though.

I've attached the ifb file I'm using, the log file produced when logging was turned up and the crash file.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

Ken Ratzlaff



Configuration/ Setup


Message 1

For the benefit of othere readers,

Customer experienced issues with columns created with the 'Case Insensitivity' wizard.

It has been determined that Customer ran the 'EIM Mapping Wizard'
sometime after running the 'Case Insensitivity' wizard. For this reason
the EIM mapper created eim columns and mappings for the case insensitive

In order to avoid the above issue you should always make sure that the EIM Mapping wizard does not take such columns in account.

Additional Keywords: Case Insensitivity, EIM Mapping

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version SIA [20448] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : SIA [20448] version, ADM - App. Deployment Manager

attempting to export data using ADM command line using ADMbatchProc
component, the component crashes and the following error occurs:

SBL-ADM-60070: Error reported on server 'WFMDEVAPP1' follows:
SBL-SVR-01054: The task exited without sending a response.
SBL-SCL-00131: Either the RC2 or the AES cryptography engine is not initialized.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. login using srvrmgr
2. Execute following command to export LOV records using ADM.

task for comp admbatchproc with admpath="C:\ADM\output_xml",
admfilter='[Value] LIKE "SR_AREA*"', admdatatype=LOV,
admeaimethod=upsert, admprefix=ADM_SR_AREA


Cause of the issue is identified as product defect.

Issue is replicated in-house and a product defect 14460219 - ADM BATCH PROC EXPORT FAILS WITH SBL-SCL-00131 ERROR is raised to address the issue.


Defect#14460219 is fixed by engineering and a QF is now available in My Oracle Support.Please find the details of the fix below:

Because 800x code line is in extended support, this QF is protected with a password.


Patch ID: 14686221

Platform Available: SOLARIS, WINDOWS
Product Certified: SIA
Languages Certified: Language Independent
Base Required: FIX PACK[20448]

Patch Abstract: 20448 sba QF0D25 sebl_aru

QF Install Doc:

Doc is named README.html and is located under