Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: 8.0 [20405] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Unable to install Actuate Server on Windows Server 2003 in Spanish or
any non-English language, The following error appears SBL-STJ-0052 and
the installation fails
The Report Server can't be installed on a Windows OS that is in a non-English language
Installshield wizard uses the default english folders like "C:\Program
Files\common files" to install the "Actuate HTTP Service". This folder
does not exist on a non-English environment
Actuate Server must be isntalled on an English Windows Environment
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version:[20433] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
During uninstall of QF0909, SBL-STJ-00156 error is thrown.
This happen when the install/uninstall of QF0909 happens multiple times.
The error is ignorable. When you uninstall QF0909 the first time, it
finds OCM and uninstalls it properly. Hence no error. When you
reinstall and un install, the OCM is not there and hence the error.
If the patch uninstallation completes. You should make sure that the base.txt and upgrade.txt are getting updated properly.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version 8.0 SIA [20405] to 8.2.2 SIA[22320] [Release V8]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Checked for relevance on 04-May-2010
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3254994631.
**Checked for relevance on 04-Tue-2011***
I am attempting to install Siebel 8.0 in a test environment and it
fails at the siebel server configuration execution part of the install.
The Gateway ans service install fine. It fails with a SBL-STJ-00152
error. I have attached a screenshot of the error. Any insight you have
would be greatly appreciated.
Cause is missing step that is needed for this version when
configuring Siebel Server (an Enterprise must be defined in the Gateway
Name Server before configuring the Siebel Server).
Configuration of Enterprise / Server has modified in Siebel 8.0 and
later releases. Now, you have to create a Enterprise definition prior to
configure the Siebel Server. By the time that you configure the Siebel
Server, when it asks for the Enterprise name, you specify a Enterprise
name that is already defined in the Gateway.
Hence, basically you need to run:
1 - run Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration > Create new configuration > Configure a new Gateway Name Server
- run Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration > Create new
configuration > Configure a new enterprise in a Gateway Name Server
(if the Enterprise does not exist yet)
3 - run Siebel Server configuration to create a Siebel Server for this enterprise that was just created
error that customer was receiving, SBL-STJ-00152 was because the step 2
was not run , so that the Enterprise definition has not been created
prior to run the Siebel Server configuration.
The entire error message is :
java.exe Dtemp.dir=c:\temp\1 -cp
C:\sba80\siebsrvr\bin\setup.jar run args LANG=ENU VISIBILITY= ENTERPRISE
MODEL_FILE=C:\sba80\siebsrvr\admin\siebel_serer.scm error
As the siebns.dat contains an incomplete Enterprise and Siebel
Server definition after running step 3 without running step 2, perform
the steps below to remedy this situation:
A) run the Enterprise
Server Configuration and choose Remove Existing Configuration and then
Remove an Enterprise from the Gateway Name Server . Specify the same
Enterprise name to remove the incomplete definition of the Enterprise
B) run the step 2 and 3.
ID #10518484 has been logged to request this as an enhancement request.
The enhancement request is for adding a validation of the Siebel
Enterprise by the time that you run the Siebel Server configuration.
Doing this, the wizard would show a more friendly message at this point
and customers would understand that the Enterprise should be created
Applies to:
Siebel Hospitality - Version 8.0 SIA [20405] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 04-Feb-2013***
While installing and configuring the Siebel version 8.0
application on AIX 5.3 OS, the gateway configuration failed. Error in
log.txt is:
(Jul 21, 2008 11:57:31 AM), Setup.product.install, Utility, err,
unable to launch: "ksh export
-Dtemp.dir=/cidev1/tmp -cp /cidev1/gtwysrvr/bin/setup.jar run -args
MODEL_FILE=/cidev1/gtwysrvr/admin/enterprise_console_sia.scm" error
code: "255"(SBL-STJ-00152)
This issue was caused by the fact that the siebel.ini file was not
modified to prevent the installer from launching the configuration
wizard automatically. Detailed information can be found from:
Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing and Configuring in
Unattended and Console Modes > Installing and Configuring in Console
In order to avoid this type of issue:
1. Edit Siebel.ini file
for console mode installation as described in Siebel Installation Guide
for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing in
Unattended and Console Modes > Installing and Configuring in Console
Mode > Editing siebel.ini Files for Console Mode Installation
In addition to that, please modify siebel.ini file as following. In other words, please remove $(ADDLANGUAGE) portion:
ConfigGateway.AIX = no
ConfigServer.AIX = no
ConfigAgent.AIX = no
Please note that this is only required if you are installing the application all over again.
2. Next, in order to install Siebel in console mode, please
follow instructions given in Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX:
Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing in Unattended and
Console Modes > Installing and Configuring in Console Mode >
Installing Siebel Applications in Console Mode
3. Thirdly, to
configure Siebel application in console mode, please follow Siebel
Installation Guide for UNIX: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools >
Installing in Unattended and Console Modes > Installing and
Configuring in Console Mode > Configuring Siebel Applications in
Console Mode
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version SIA [20423] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Siebel patch installation wizard aborts with errors while
installing maintenance release version for the Siebel Web Server
extensions (SWSE):
First error
"unable to launch: "ksh
-waitforcompletion -nowait
error code: "255"(SBL-STJ-00152)"
Second error
able to stop the server. Please stop the server manually and run patch
installation again.(SBL-STJ-00101) unable to launch: "ksh
-waitforcompletion -nowait
ORACLE_HOME="/app/siebel1/apache-tst/swse/ocm" -defaultHomeName
error code: "255"(SBL-STJ-00152)"
o Although Oracle Configuration Manager runs on this server, similar errors were recorded before it was installed
o Stopping the Web Server prior to the installation also had no real effect
It was determined that these errors occurred as a result of restricted access to the inventory directory.
Executing the Siebel patch installer with the syntax (command) shown in the 1st error returned the following error message
[siebweb1@orion Siebel_Web_Server_Extension]$
-waitforcompletion -nowait
ORACLE_HOME="/app/siebel1/apache-tst/swse/ocm" -defaultHomeName
You do not have sufficient permissions to access the inventory
'/app/oracle/logs'. Installation cannot continue. Make sure that you
have read/write permission to the inventory directory and restart the
installer.: Permission denied
Grant swse user read/write permission on the inventory directory - '/app/oracle/logs
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version[20430] to[20433] [Release V8]
Generic UNIX
Generic Linux
Beginning in Siebel Fix Pack, the installer for Oracle
Configuration Manager (OCM) is delivered bundled with the Siebel patch.
Currently fix packs and fall into this situation.
Affected Siebel products are the Siebel Enterprise Server and the Siebel
Web Server Extension.
Oracle Configuration Manager collects
system configuration data for Siebel installation machines and uploads
it to the Oracle repository. Oracle Configuration Manager is intended to
help Oracle Global Customer Support representatives resolve customer
issues more effectively.
The OCM installer is launched as a
separate process before the actual fix pack installer process. Due to
this new functionality, the installation of Siebel Fix Packs in console
mode on Unix environments is no longer supported.
Customers trying to install Siebel fix packs or on HP-UX, Solaris, AIX or Linux platforms in console mode.
should also note that given the OCM version delivered with Fix Pack is different than the one from Fix Pack, OCM installer
will run again when applying fix pack even if is already
Additionally, the patch installation cannot be
launched from a directory containing spaces (e.g. D:\Siebel
patch). The workaround solution is to use a directory without spaces in
the path. Document 1065503.1 contains additional information on this behavior.
should also notice that OCM installation usually takes a long time
(~5-6 minutes) to load OCM installer/scripts so the process may appear
to be hung, but eventually OCM screens will come up.
The following error message may be seen when launching the Siebel Fix Pack installation in console mode:
unable to launch: "ksh
-waitforcompletion -nowait ORACLE_HOME="/siebel/gtwysrvr"
-defaultHomeName -responseFile
error code: "126"(SBL-STJ-00152)
Customers should note that the installation of Oracle Configuration
Manager (OCM) is mandatory and therefore cannot be suppressed. Available
options are to use GUI or silent modes. Instructions for silent
installation are documented in details in the Maintenance Release Guide
version 8.0, Document 729563.1.
This information has been documented in the Maintenance Release Guide version 8.0, Document 729563.1. The same information has been added to the Readme files for and fix packs.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] and later [Release: V8 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Context: Installing the Siebel version 8.1.1 gateway server on a machine with RedHat 5 32bit OS.
The customer used the GUI mode. Towards the end of the "Configuring a New Gateway Name Server", the wizard displayed an error :
"Setup.product.install, Utility, err, unable to launch:ksh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sba81/gtwysrvr/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH};PATH=${PATH}:.;/root/istemp19170076134222/_bundledJRE_/bin/java-Dtemp.dir=/root -cp /sba81/gtwysrvr/bin/setup.jar run -argsLANG=ENUMODE=LIVEMODEL_FILE=/sba81/gtwysrvr/admin/enterprise_console_sia.scm"error code: "255"(SBL-STJ-00152)"
sw_cfg_util.log shows the following:
GenericLog GenericError Error in transferring input values ,num of arrays incorrect 0, expected : 1
GenericLog GenericError TransferInputsToValues returned error:3611539 to SetControlValues
GenericLog GenericError Failed during Execution, err: 5507002
A second generated sw_cfg_util log file revealed the following string:
"Value key Hostname resolves to"
Which could be related to Bug 10525273 ("Siebel Enterprise Configuration fails if hostname is greater than 15 characters").
issue could be reproduced on a virtual machine running Red Hat 5: When
setting the hostname to a value larger than 15 characters, it failed
with the same error.
This customer's hostname (siebeltest) + the full qualified domain name ( turned out to be larger than 15 chars.
the generation of the message "Value key Hostname resolves to" in the log file could not be replicated
when the hostname was changed to a value larger than 15 chars.
How to change the hostname in Linux Redhat:
1) Make sure you are logged in as root and move to /etc/sysconfig and open the "network" file in vi.
> cd /etc/sysconfig
> vi network
Look for the HOSTNAME line and replace it with the new hostname you
want to use. In this example I want to replace with siebeltest.
3) When you are done, save your changes and exit vi. Next we will edit the /etc/hosts file and set the new hostname.
> vi /etc/hosts
4) In hosts, edit the line that has the old hostname and replace it with your new one. siebeltest
Save your changes and exit vi. The changes to /etc/hosts and
/etc/sysconfig/network are necessary to make your changes persistent (in
the event of an unscheduled reboot).
6) Now we use the hostname program to change the hostname that is currently set.
> hostname siebeltest
7) And run it again without any parameters to see if the hostname changed.
> hostname
8) Finally we will restart the network to apply the changes we made to /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network.
> service network restart
To verify the hostname has been fully changed, logout of your system
and you should see your new hostname being used at the login prompt and
after you've logged back in
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: [20423] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
When trying to install patch, the following error appears:
command line arguments '',
'patch\Siebel_Enterprise_Server/Disk1/stage/response/NTOCMCD.rsp' are
not valid options. Type 'setup -help' at the command line for
instructions on appropriate command line usage"
If you hit OK, you then get this error message:
to launch "D:\Siebel
-waitforcompletion -nowait ORACLE_HOME="D:\sba80/ocm" -defaultHomeName
-responseFile D:\Siebel
patch\Siebel_Enterprise_Server/Disk1/stage/response/NTOCMCD.rsp" error
then it allows you to continue.
Question is if this message can be safely ignored.
These error messages are related to the
OCM (Oracle Configuration Manager) that is automatically installed on
the version and above.
Oracle Configuration Manager
collects system configuration data for Siebel installation machines and
uploads it to the Oracle repository. Oracle Configuration Manager is
intended to help Oracle Global Customer Support representatives resolve
customer issues more effectively.
In your case, the installation
of OCM, which is launched as a separated installation, has failed
however the installation of the fix pack should have completed
successfully as you mentioned that the installation continued fine after
the messages.
After some tests performed internally , by having
the software placed on a directory with the same name (with
spaces D:\Siebel patch) we could reproduce the same errors that
you have.
However, in our case, after the second error the wizard
exits, it does not continue with the installation of the fix pack.
Removing the spaces in the directory the installation fine finishes fine
(including OCM installation).
Hence, if the fix pack has been
installed fine (you see the base.txt version updated to version)
but OCM installation did not complete (you do not see a new directory
created D:\sba80/ocm), you can safely ignore the error messages that you
If you want to have OCM also installed when you install
the patch you need to rename the directory where the software is located
to a name without spaces. Then follow the instructions from Maintenance
release guide to configure OCM.
Change Request 12-1VR6V6T has
been logged to explore the ability to make OCM install optional in
future versions of Siebel. This enhancement has been declined, since OCM
installation is mandatory for all Oracle Applications currently.
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version 8.0 [20405] to 8.1.1 [21112] [Release V8]
Siebel System Software - Version 8.0 [20405] and later
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3293866261.
***Checked for relevance on 04-Feb-2013***
We are currently in the process of setting up a Siebel 8.0
environment for a trial upgrade and the Siebel Server install fails with
error SBL-STJ-00152.
Missing language pack installation media.
For the benefits of other users:
log.txt reported the following error.
(7/03/2007 16:04:24), Setup.product.install, Utility, err, unable to
launch: "C:\DOCUME~1\DATKEQ\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\LRE2.tmp\bin\java.exe
-Dtemp.dir=C:\DOCUME~1\DATKEQ\LOCALS~1\Temp\1 -cp
D:\sea80\siebsrvr\bin\setup.jar run -args LANG=ENU VISIBILITY=ENTERPRISE
MODEL_FILE=D:\sea80\siebsrvr\admin\siebel_server_sia.scm" error code:
Upon reviewing siebns.dat and sw_cfg_util.log, it was found that
1) siebns.dat does not have any VersionString set (supposed to have
value like 8.0 [20405] ENU etc), and all the language components are
2) sw_cfg_util.log for Siebel Server showing error during setup OM language menu.
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000050745ee0514:0 2007-03-08 14:53:00 Executing step: SetupOM$$DeployedLanguage$$
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000050745ee0514:0 2007-03-08 14:53:00 Executing step: SetupOMenu
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000050745ee0514:0 2007-03-08 14:53:00 Failed during Execution, err: 5506021
3) sw_cfg_util.log for Gateway reported version missing issue.
GenericError 1 0000085945ee0d20:0 2007-03-07 16:48:57 Executing step: CreateEntSIA
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000085945ee0d20:0 2007-03-07 16:48:58 Executing step: SetEntVertical
GenericLog GenericError 1 00000b7045ee0d20:0 2007-03-07
16:48:58 (icutil.cpp (125) err=3604490 sys=126) SBL-ICF-00010: The
value "SiebelVersion" was not found
The above
finding indicated that customer is missing the language pack
installation media and thus advised to verify the installation image and
source (jar) files downloaded. Once the correct language pack media
downloaded and image created, a new installation performs successfully.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 8.0 [20405] and later [Release: V8 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3432211896.
Configuring the Siebel web server extensions (SWSE) customer was getting the following error int the sw_cfg_util.log:
Validation failed : C008: Directory or UNC path
/local/apps/siebel/websrv-80-poc-profile/websrv-80-poc-profile does not
exist. Please create the path or choose an existing path.
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000346c42960:0 2007-08-16 16:48:50
Step SetMimeTypes: failed to run program
with cmdline %%SiebelRoot%% %%WebServerInstance%%
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000346c42960:0 2007-08-16 16:48:50 Failed during Execution, err: 5500044
Customer had placed the SWSE Logical Profile in a directory with dash characters.
While configuring the Siebel Web Server Extension, the error
SBL-STJ-00152 appears in the graphical Siebel configuration wizard.
The following error is received in the log file:
/local/apps/siebel/websrv-80-poc-profile/websrv-80-poc-profile does not
exist. Please create the path or choose an existing path.
GenericLog GenericError 1 0000000346c42960:0 2007-08-16 16:48:50 Failed during Execution, err: 5500044
Dash is not a valid character for directory name. This is noted in the
Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX > Installing Siebel Enterprise
Server and Related Components :
"NOTE: The directory name must use standard alphanumeric characters,
including the underscore. No other characters or spaces are allowed."
After placing it in a directory without dashes it worked fine.
Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version 8.0 [20405] to 8.1.1 [21112] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405] Pub Sect
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 9.0
Database Server OS: Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 9.0
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3508126493.
Customer reported the following:
Not possible to start newly installed Siebel server on Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise 9.0
Diagnostics: We looked at log files and there weren't any Siebel
Server log files other than SRBroker, SRProc, SrvrTblCleanup, (along
with a couple more) and the main Siebel Server log file which didn't
really provide any detail as to what was going on. We installed the
developer web client on a windows machine and when we finally got it
working it just confirmed that the servers weren't staying up at all.
Looking at the main log files (siebsrvr/log and not
siebsrvr/enterprises/siebtstent/<server name>/log) we found that
there were many complaints about parameters missing and taking the
default. We then looked at the siebns.dat file and found it was 115
bytes...not KB or MB....BYTES. It only had one section in there which I
believe was just the host name of the gateway server."
SBL-STJ-00152, SBL-STJ-00176, SBL-SMI-00153
Incorrectly specified LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable on the target Siebel server box.
Bug 10533924 (Enhancement request #12-1MOOR8A) was raised in order to
ask to add the verification for this variable to the EVT utility's
For the benefit of other readers:
For this case, the issues installing the Siebel version 8.0
enterprise on Linux SuSe OS were due to the following Linux specific
environment variable being set on the machine where this was failing:
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is an enviroment variable used by the dynamic linker to decide what implementation of libraries are used.
values you can set LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to equate to linux kernel versions.
Since glibc and the kernel are tighly bound, it's neccasary for glibc
to change it's behaviour based onwhat kernel version is installed.
Oracle | Siebel only supports 2.6 kernel and 2.6 runtime libs, this
environment variable was at the origin of the issues customer was facing
trying to start the Siebel gateway and the Siebel server, as a
Setting this variable causes process forks where
only a new thread should be created. With this variable set, initially
siebsvc -gtwyns launches 3 processes, when one only should be started. A
symptom of this issue is that when you connect to the Siebel gateway
with nsbrowse, for instance, you will see 4 siebsvc running, adding a
server manger results in 5 processes and so on..
It will be necessary to unset this environment variable in order to be able to install and run Siebel successfully.
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