Friday, January 14, 2011

SBL-BPR-00100: This error is returned when the workflow is executing the Siebel Operation business service.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1 [21039] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Siebel CRM - Version: 8.1 SIA [21039] and later    [Release: V8 and later]
Siebel CRM - Version: 8.0 SIA [20405] and later    [Release: V8 and later]
Siebel CRM - Version: 8.0 [20405] and later    [Release: V8 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When task transaction has been disabled, setting DeferWrite=True for Siebel Operation Insert Step causes the task to give the following errors:

SBL-BPR-00187, SBL-BPR-00100, SBL-DAT-60217

The specific error message is:

[1] Error updating business component at step '<step name>'. (SBL-BPR-00187)
[2] This error is returned when the workflow/task is executing the Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)
[3] Can't write data without validation.(SBL-DAT-60217)

Note that <step name> shown above is a placeholder for the step where the error occurs.

These errors occur in the task when the Siebel Operation step with DeferWrite=True in the task is reached.


DeferWrite =True is not supported when task transaction has been disabled.

When task transaction has been disabled, DeferWrite=True should not be used.

Note that there are two cases for this, as task transaction can be disabled in two ways:

  1. Task Transaction disabled for the entire Task.

    When task transaction has been disabled at task level, by setting the Transactional task property to FALSE, then DeferWrite=True should NOT be used in any Siebel Operation INSERT steps in that specific task.

  2. Task Transaction disabled at the Business Component Level.

    When task transaction has been disabled at Business Component level, by setting Immediate Commit In Task user property to TRUE for a specific Business Component, then DeferWrite=True should NOT be used in any Siebel Operation INSERT steps which are based on that specific Business Component in any Task.

A new documentation change request BUG 10587397  has been submitted to request that this information be added to bookshelf.

Disabling Task Transaction should be done only when needed and thoroughly tested, as noted in the Siebel Bookshelf, Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.

Task transaction is a mechanism that allows you to keep data associated with a task instance separate from the Siebel Business Component tables until the task data is explicitly committed to the database. The default behavior for tasks is to have task transaction enabled. Disabling task transaction can result in unpredictable behavior and must be thoroughly tested before use in production.


When task transaction has been disabled, then DeferWrite=True should not be used. 


When Task Transaction needs to be disabled, DeferWrite can be set to False on the Siebel Operation INSERT step which is affected by this. Please reference the two cases described above in the Cause section of this document.

When DeferWrite = False, then all of the required fields for that Business Component must be provided some values inside the Siebel Operation step. These values can then be updated by the user in the subsequent Task Views. As mentioned above, this will need to be thoroughly tested.



Applies to:

Siebel Workflow - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.7.2 [18325]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1786326823.


SBL-DAT-00225, SBL-BPR-00187

Error 33007 invoking method "RunProcess" for Business Service "Workflow Process Manager"

SBL-BPR-00187>SBL-BPR-00100>SBL-DAT-00225>SBL-BPR-00100 reported in logs

workflowprocmgr log attached


The customer had migrated the workflow and the following error was seen in the log file.

PrcExec Create 4 0 2005-03-02 17:23:45 Instantiating process definition 'RCRM Message Popup to SR Owner Engineer Dispatched'.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2005-03-02 17:23:45 (state.cpp (1877)) SBL-BPR-00216: The workitem supplied, '
', is not a valid workitem.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 0 2005-03-02 17:23:45 Business Service 'Workflow Process Manager' invoke method 'RunProcess' Execute Time: 1.575 seconds.


The root cause for this particular issue was that the workflow process had a space or white space in the Default String value for the Object Id process property. A white space is considered as an invalid character. The default string is used to initialize the property runtime value BEFORE the passed-in value is used to overwrite it. The Workflow Engine will complain if the default value is invalid

After clearing any white spaces from any workflows' "Object Id" Process Property's Default String, the workflow worked fine.

Search Keys:

Workflow, not a valid work item, SBL-BPR-00216

Applies to:

Siebel Workflow - Version: [18353] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2177846871.


Customer was getting this error message While invoking "TELUS Appointment
Override Sub Process" WF process

Error updating business component at step 'Cancel Old
Override Appointments'.(SBL-BPR-00187)--This error is returned when the workflow is executing the
Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)--Either the status value you have selected is
not applicable to this activity type, or you must submit this activity using the submit

The siebel operation fails when changing the status of an activity
from Done to Cancelled

Similar error reported with
CR: 10480361  Also please note  don’t have any submit button on Activity


CSSBCFINSActivity which is a specialized hard-coded C++ class and hence not configurable.


The customer received the following error message when trying to change the Activity Status from Done to Cancelled through the workflow process.

Error updating business component at step 'Cancel Old Override Appointments'.(SBL-BPR-00187)--This error is returned when the workflow is executing the Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)--Either the status value you have selected is not applicable to this activity type, or you must submit this activity using the submit button.(SBL-SIS-00181)

A similar error message was encountered when changing the Activity Status field from Done to Cancelled through the UI which points to a configuration issue rather then a workflow issue. Further investigation showed that the customer was using SIA version which defaults Activity BC class to CSSBCFINSActivity. We suggested the customer use the CSSBCActivity class and error message was reported to have gone away.

Upon further investigation it was found this issue similar to a CR 10473793 logged for the CSSBCFINSActivity which is a specialized hard-coded C++ class and hence not configurable.

CR 10473793  has been fixed in Fix Pack and Fix Pack , Quickfix QF0409
Workaround is to use CSSBCActivity class instead.

Change Request 10454319 has been logged to request the ability to change the status of a ' General ' Activity from 'Planned' to 'Submitted' which is targeted to be fixed in a future release , this is not yet fixed in any version.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [20420] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Discuss the requirement of how to update the Account Name using EAI siebel Adapter.

We have an interface which upserts Account Information. We found out that the Account Names might change in the Interface.

Since NAME and LOC form the unique key for the S_ORG_EXT Table the interface is creating a new Record if the Name changes.

We have put in couple of steps in the Workflow to extract the Account Name from the XML and then query the Account and update the Account Name

using Siebel Operation steps before the Siebel Adapter (Execute) Step...

We are getting an error when we try this approach....


Error updating business component at step 'Update Account Name'.(SBL-BPR-00187)


This error is returned when the workflow/task is executing the Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)


A record that contains identical values to the record you have created already exists.

If you would like to enter a new record, please ensure that the field values are unique.(SBL-DAT-00381)

What is the alternative? for updating the Account Name?


The best way to solve this issue is by having an integration id user key so that when you want to update account name, you query by integration id, locate a unique record and then update, the id should be known to the systems calling Siebel as you would have to add it as part of the incoming message. Since you did not have it from the beginning, you would have to EIM or find some other way to mass update the accounts and give them a unique identifier that is known to the external system(s) calling Siebel. Then amend the IO to have as user key #1 integration id. That would allow eai Siebel adapter to locate the record and update it.

This solves only part of the problem as if you have

Account 1, loc1, intId1

Account1, loc2 , intid2

And receive an update request to update record with intid2 to loc 1 you would still get an error and it would be a valid error!

In that case, you might consider merging records but that is not something eai Siebel adapter can do.

You�d have to resort to custom scripting and it is beyond scope of support.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 7.8.2 SIA [19213] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Product Release: V7 (Professional)

Version: [19221]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

Database Server OS: Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3090198991.


Hello Support Web,

We are using asset based ordering and are currently facing an issue while creating delta quotes. We had a requirement to default the price list on a quote\delta quote, to the default pricelist identified for a currency. A default pricelist was identified on the basis of a flag set for the pricelist. We had implemented the same using some script on the prenewrecord event of the Quote BC, and some configuration. Here is what we did -

1. On the BusComp_PreNewRecord () we wrote the below code -
                     var strQuoteCurr = TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("OpptyCurrency");
    var BOAdminPrcLst = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Admin Price List");
    var BCPrcLst = BOAdminPrcLst.GetBusComp("Price List");
    var strDefPrcList;
    var strDefPrcListId;
        ActivateField("Currency Code");
        ActivateField("Default Pricelist");
        var strSearchExpr = "[Currency Code] = '" + strQuoteCurr + "' AND [Default Pricelist] = 'Y'";
            strDefPrcList = GetFieldValue("Name");
            strDefPrcListId = GetFieldValue("Id");
            TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("DefPriceList", strDefPrcList);
            TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("DefPriceListId", strDefPrcListId);
            TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("DefPriceList", "");
            TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("DefPriceListId", "");
    return (ContinueOperation);

The OpptyCurrency profile attribute is set at the ChangeRecord event for the Opportunity BC.

2. On the Quote BC we did the following configuration -
    a) Created 2 calculated fields -
       - CalcPriceList, Value = GetProfileAttr("DefPriceList")
       - CalcPriceListId, Value = GetProfileAttr("DefPriceListId")
    b) Set the predefault and post default value of Price List and Price List Id to Field: 'CalcPriceList' and Field: 'CalcPriceListId' respectively.


It was identified that when a quote is created (through ABO), the account's price list is defaulted on the quote.
However if account's price list is expired or deleted the above error is displayed from 'SIS OM Active Quote Sub-process' step Create Quote.


Message 1

Everything worked fine and the price list got defaulted as expected.

The issue came up when one of the existing pricelist was deleted. After that price list was deleted, we started getting the below error for every delta quote on assets, which were created from a quote base on the deleted price list.

[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS OM Active Quote Sub-process' at step 'Get Active Quote'.(SBL-BPR-00183)
[2] Error updating business component at step 'Create Quote'.(SBL-BPR-00187)
[3] This error is returned when the workflow is executing the Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)
[4] The value entered in field Price List Id of buscomp Quote does not match any value in the bounded pick list PickList Price List.(SBL-DAT-00225)


Even now, if we create a delta quote on assets which did not refer to the deleted price list, it works fine. We are unable to figure out the reson for this behavior. We cannot find that at what point is the previous price list being referred.

The delta quote workflows are still vanilla and we have not modified those. Please let us know what we are missing.


Message 2

For the benefit of other users:

After existing pricelist was deleted customer started getting the below error for every delta quote on assets, which were created from a quote base on the deleted price list.

[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS OM Active Quote Sub-process' at step 'Get Active Quote'.(SBL-BPR-00183)
[2] Error updating business component at step 'Create Quote'.(SBL-BPR-00187)
[3] This error is returned when the workflow is executing the Siebel Operation business service.(SBL-BPR-00100)
[4] The value entered in field Price List Id of buscomp Quote does not match any value in the bounded pick list PickList Price List.(SBL-DAT-00225)

It was identified that when a quote is created (through ABO), the account's price list is defaulted on the quote.
However if account's price list is expired or deleted the above error is displayed from 'SIS OM Active Quote Sub-process' step Create Quote.

The following options are the suggestions to resolve this behavior:

1) One option would be to keep the Account Price list up-to-date. Whenever they expire a price list, query for all accounts using that price list and update with a new price list applicable to those account. (Batch process)

--- Continue

Message 3

--- Continue

2) Another option would be to modify workflow 'SIS OM Active Quote Sub-process' by adding a step to verify if the Price List Id does no exist or if it is not expired and in this case search for a default price list Id before this information is considered for step 'Create Quote'.

Oracle Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: 7.7.2 [18325]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 5.6

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3184764323.


SBL-DAT-00235, SBL-BPR-00100, SBL-BPR-00187

This is about the length of the value getting stored in the Field "Note" which is present in
"FIN Service Request Notes" Business Component.

We are trying to insert a value into Note
field in two ways:
1) From GUI (User Interface) and
2) Through Workflow Process using
Input XML.

Both ways, it is accepting only 16350 chars and not 16383(which is the Actual
BC field Length).

In case of insertion through GUI, if the value given is more than
16350, then it is automatically truncating the remaining characters and accepting only 16350 in

Whereas in case of insertion through Workflow Process, when a string length of
greater than 16350 chars is given as Input, it is straightaway rejecting throwing the Error
Message which is shown in "Notes Error" attachment below.

Our main concerns are:
1) Why
is it able to store only 16350 chars, when the BC field length is specified as 16383?
2) Why
is it automatically getting truncated when we are inserting through GUI and the same is not
happening(but throwing an Error Message) when we are inserting through Workflow Process?


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers,

In Siebel Bookshelf, Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications 7.8 > Configuring Tables and Columns > Creating Columns of Type LONG, the following is documented:

"You can use LONG columns to store a maximum of 16 KB or 16383 characters."

However, if you try to store 16380 characters in such a control it is truncated at 16350 characters.

When trying to set it via workflow you also get errors:

"Error updating business component at step 'xyz-step'. (SBL-BPR-00187)

This error is returned when the workflow is executing the 'xyzbs' business service. (SBL-BPR-00100)

Value too long for field 'long-field' (maximums size 16350) SBL-DAT-00235"

NOTE: This happens also for non Unicode DB. Also it is reproducible against Sample DB.


- Go to Site Map > Accounts > Notes

- Create a new record and try to enter more than 16350 characters in the description field.

Change Request 12-1GTYX3L has been logged in order to address this product defect.

The workaround is to split the text into two records, if possible.

Thank you,

Bernhard Eigstler, Siebel Technical Support


Type, long, 16350, 16383, chatacters, SBL-DAT-00235, truncation

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16168] CHS Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 5.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1178521657.


SBL-EXL-00145, SBL-APS-00200, SBL-DAT-00247, SBL-BPR-00100


When trying to run Workflow which create alert the following error is seen is Workmon

The alarm cannot be set for this appointment because the start time is after the
time when the alarm should be triggered(SBL-APS-00200)

Please advice in setting up the
Alaram alert.




Message 1

For the benefit of other readers,

Customer has developed a workflow process in order to create alarms. However whenever running the workflow process they experienced the following error message:

ObjMgrLog    Error    4    2004-02-02 15:24:04    (SBL-APS-00200) The alarm cannot be set for this appointment because the start time is after the time when the alarm should be triggered

ObjMgrLog    Error    4    2004-02-02 15:24:04    (SBL-BPR-00100) Error processing Siebel Operation for:

Business Object 'Action'

Business Component 'Action'

Primary Id ''

Operation 'Insert'

ObjMgrLog    Error    4    2004-02-02 15:24:04    (SBL-BPR-00187) Error updating business component at step 'Create Activity'.

From the log files requested, looking at the input properties for the Siebel Operation step that has failed, the following could be noticed:

Planned Completion = 02/02/2004 15:54:186

Status = Done

Planned = 02/02/2004 15:54:184

Type = Alert3

Due = 02/02/2004 15:54:1811

The above mean that the values Customer is trying to store are not consistent. Customer was then suggested to review the timestamp and set them accordingly in such a way that the Start time is smaller than the trigger time.

In such cases it is always worth to first make sure that you are able to set alarm from the GUI without the workflow functionality. Only after this you may want to try setting alarm with a workflow process.

Siebel Technical Support

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