Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oracle CRM On Demand and Google Talk

Hey Guys,
If you are a Google Talk user, you may be aware that there is a link that allows you to sign into your Google account and chat with your contacts without the GTalk setup installation.

We are about to use this cool feature in Oracle CRM On Demand to help Service Reps to chat with customers to resolve their queries.

This feature may also be available for other messengers (yahoo, rediffmail, windows live), but let’s talk about Google for now.
Step 1:  
Navigate to Admin---Application Customization---Global Web Applets. 
Create a New Web applet and Fill in the below. You may also choose to have this on the Homepage according to your requirement.

Step 2:  Add the Custom Web Applet to your Action bar for the ‘My Setup---Personal Layout---Action Bar Layout’ Global link.

You should now see the Custom
Web applet on your Action Bar.

Finally, Sign
to your Google Account by clicking the sign in link and enjoy!


Friday, March 12, 2010

Interview Question #2 - What is a Siebel Operation Step?

This interview question uses a technical term to test a Siebel Developer's understanding of a topic. "Siebel Operation" can be almost anything to someone who does not have a basic familiarity with Siebel Workflow, but it is an everyday term for any Workflow Developer.

Q: Please explain what a Siebel Operation is, and how it is used.

A: At minimum, the candidate should know that a Siebel Operation is a type of Workflow Process Step. If the candidate does not volunteer this information without additional prompting, he or she is not a Workflow Developer.

Candidates should know that a Siebel Operation can be used to Insert or Update records as part of a Workflow Process. A candidate should know the difference between a Workflow Process and a Workflow Policy or Workflow Policy Program. Siebel Operation is a term that is only used in connection with Workflow Processes.

In addition to Insert and Update, recent versions of Siebel have other types of operations. Most Siebel Workflow Developers know that a Query operation is now available. Since Siebel 8.0, there are Upsert and looping operations: PrevRecord, NextRecord, and QueryBiDirectional. In my experience, knowledge of these operations is less common; it can be difficult to find a developer who can explain how to build a loop in a Workflow Process.

Workflow Process Steps operate on the business layer of Siebel, as opposed to the database layer. A Business Component that is associated with the Workflow Process's Business Object is required for any Siebel Operation. Workflow Developers should know these things, although a little prompting may be required.

A good Workflow Developer should also know about the Siebel Operation Object Id process property, which is updated after an Insert, Update, or Upsert operation. If one record is inserted or updated, this process property will contain the row id of the affected record. If more than one record, the property will contain an asterisk: '*'. If no records are affected, the property will not contain a value.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Repository Data Retriever© v1.0

Hey Folks,

Here is an excel spreadsheet I had been working for the past couple weeks. It has been designed to export all the newly created and modified objects beyond a particular user given date.

Special features include -
- Works on Sample/ Local and Server.
- Cool UI features to minimize user effort (Object Explorer, date Chooser, Select File Dialogbox)
- Process Status section. This is so the user is not prompted everytime unless a critical error has occured or user intervention is really required.
- Data is exported in an easily readable format
- Can be very well used for Upgrades to analyze the amount of Repository Customization

Interface Detail:

Screen prints of the tool -

Main Page -

Exported Objects View -

Click on the below icon to download the Repository Data Retriever (limited downloads).
