Monday, January 31, 2011

SBL-DAT-00493: Text constant (%1) needs to be enclosed in single quotes.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools
IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)

Version: 8.0 [20405] FRA

Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 8

Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3365819321.



Hi Support

We are currently trying to migrate our Siebel V7.5 Repository to

We had a customized BC with 2 Calculated Field.
Field A
- Calculated
Field B
- Calculated Value=IIf([Field

In V7.5, there was no problem with this

After V8.0 migration, we have a runtime error:
ObjMgrQueryLog Warning 2
0000000246640f64:0 2007-06-04 17:28:07 (query.cpp (984)) SBL-DAT-00493: La constante de texte (0)
doit �tre inscrite entre guillemets simples.
Veuillez continuer ou demander � l'administrateur
syst�me de v�rifier la configuration de l'application si le probl�me persiste.
Warning 2 0000000246640f64:0 2007-06-04 17:28:07 (query.cpp (2600)) SBL-DAT-00501: Sp�cification
de recherche 'IIf([Test Calculated Value1]>0,'Y','N')' non valide.
Veuillez continuer ou
demander � l'administrateur syst�me de v�rifier la configuration de l'application si le probl�me

I reproduced the problem in Vanilla V8.0 ( see the attached file Account.sif;
fields "Test Calculated*")

So it seems the field A has a Text type in V8.0 whereas it had
an Number type in V7.5.

I didn't find any documentation in bookshelf V7.5 that recommend
setting a specific type for calculated fields (The type was dynamically deduced).

In V8.0,
since Revision A (April 2007), in the bookshelf "Siebel Developer's Reference > Operators,
Expressions, and Conditions >Calculated Field Rules",
there has been this sentence:
a calculated field whose calculated value is not of type DTYPE_TEXT, the field type must be
specified explicitly."

Is it a standard behaviour in V8.0?
If yes, is there any
documentation about how we can migrate all our existing calculated Fields?( we didn't find
anything in the Database Upgrade Guide)

Thanks in advance.


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:

V8 has changed the way the calculated fields interact with other parts of the application.

Bookshelf states:

"Siebel Developer's Reference > Operators, Expressions, and Conditions >Calculated Field Rules",

"For a calculated field whose calculated value is not of type DTYPE_TEXT, the field type must be specified explicitly."

This caused the customer an issue as when upgrading the calculated fields gave a search error.

There were two ways in which this issue could be resolved.

1) After upgrading, navigate through the application and look for the error in the logs. This will then give the BC upon which the error occurs.

2) CR#12-1JPYP1L and CR#12-1JVI3Q3 have been raised for this issue; one to see if this can be added to the upgrade process and the other to see if the functionality of v7.x can be regressed for v8.

CR#12-1JVI3Q3 has been fixed in Fix Pack.

Thank you,

Oracle | Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16161]

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 3

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.7

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1102332291.



Dear Support Team,

We have migrated from 7.5.2 to, in the forecast area before
migration, subordinates were able to submit their forecasts, but after migration they can't
submit their forecasts. When they try to submit their forecasts, the application crashes.
Attached you can find siebel log file in which SIEBEL_LOG_EVENTS was set to 4. I logged in as a
subordinate and then navigate to forecasts screen and then tried to change status field from
"Active" to "Submitted". In the log file this change starts from line 22025.
This thursday we
will go for production test, for that reason could you please advice us ASAP.


Message 1

For the benefit of other users:

Customer found that they were unable to submit forecasts and it crashed the Client application.

Turning on Client-side logging had the error ""ObjMgrLog    Error 4 2003-10-21 16:14:02 (SBL-DAT-00493) Text constant (Y) needs to be enclosed in single quotes. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists." followed by a call stack.

This behavior was not reproducible with the Standard SRF and only with the custom SRF. The log indicated that the error occurred after an insertion into S_ACCNT_ATT table. Customer had a custom Business Component called "Forecast Attachment" and it was based on S_ACCNT_ATT table. In forecast submission Customer was generating forecast data (based on opportunities and products) into an excel file.

One of the custom user properties on Forecast 2000 -- Forecast Business Component, had a text constant (Y) without quotation marks. Customer fixed this User Property and they were able to successfully submit forecasts.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16199] SVE Fin Svcs

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP4

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 3

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3064193301.


SBL-EXL-00145, SBL-DBC-00105, SBL-DAT-00398, SBL-DAT-00403, SBL-DAT-00493, SBL-DAT-00501


We have an X_ column that is defined to contain a MLOV field. That field is used as a
MVF and when a search spec is created on that field an sql error occurs.

Looking at the
sql it seems like the LANG_ID parameter is missing as input (there are three bind variables but
four parameters are needed for the query, the first beeing LANG_ID)

It is Bind variable 2
(Låna) below that is the MLOV field.

If we query on another field using the sam MVL it
works fine, also the sql works fine if all parameters are supplied



(VARCHAR (10),T1.LAST_UPD, 101) + ' ' + CONVERT (VARCHAR (10),T1.LAST_UPD,
      CONVERT (VARCHAR (10),T1.CREATED, 101) + ' ' + CONVERT



Message 1



      ((T1.SUMMARY_FLG = 'N') AND


      (T1.PROD_ID IN (

            SELECT SQ1_T2.PROD_ID



                  (SQ1_T1.X_QUOTE_FLG = ? OR SQ1_T1.X_QUOTE_FLG IS NULL) AND

                  (SQ1_T1.X_TYPE IS NULL OR SQ1_T1.X_TYPE = 'ProductGroup') AND

                  (SQ1_T4.VAL = ?))) AND

      (T1.OPTY_ID = ?)



(note 4 question marks for bind variables above, but just 3 bind variables below:)

Bind variable 1: N

Bind variable 2: Låna

Bind variable 3: 1-48EJ2

Message 2

For the benefit of other readers:

When querying on an MLOV enabled field in the customer's database with for example

EXISTS([LF Area Category] = Skydda)

this produces an SQL statement that has one bind variable missing,

resulting in the error message

"Not enough values for host variables"

This is reproducible in [16199] SVE SIA (Fin Svcs)

Change Request


"Less bind variables available than requested by the SQL spool. This is related to MLOV config."

had been logged for this behavior

and this is fixed in Fix Pack [16272]

(Fix request 12-UXRMM1)

After installing the [16272] Maintenance Release,

the query completed successfully.


Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [15058] Com/Med

Database: Oracle 9i

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 2

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-822831751.



If we define a Detail BC as a Business Component which use MVL to call other calculated
fielda from a Main BC. (e.g. Account BC and Contact BC use MVL to call Field "A" which is a
calculated field from CUT Address BC)

The scenario is shown as follows

Detail BCs
cannot call any calculated field (e.g. Field "A") from a Main BC which contain a calcuated
formula as IIf([English Flag] = 'Y',1,0)

This leads to the error message, "Text constant
(Y) needs to be enclosed in single quotes", when the Siebel application is turned

However, if Detail BCs are not use MVL to call Field "A", using the same formula in
Field "A" will not cause an error message


Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

The correct syntax is to place a "" (double quotes) around 'Y' (Y in single quotes) in the calculated formula, that is, IIF([English Flag] = "'Y'","1", "2").

As there are no documentation or information on the usage of the syntax of calculated value when used as a MVF, change request 12-DTTBTX has been logged to address this issue.

SBL-DAT-00496: Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Pa

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16172] FIN Fin Svcs

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1187267761.




I'm trying to create a Siebel login / position for a new employee. The steps I follow
for creating this new employee are

1. User Administration -> Employees -> Select an
existing employee with a similar profile -> Ctrl + B to copy record.

2. Change Last
name, First name, UserID to correspond to the new user, step off the record to save it

Go to Group Administration -> Positions -> Create a new position and make the new user the
primary employee on the position

4. Delete the new employee from the old position (that
got copied over when the employee was created).

5. Assign a parent position to the new
position created.

This step errors out with "Can not update Parent because this will
introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given
parent". A screen capture of the error message is attached.

Please let me know how this
problem can be resolved.


Kumaresh Subramanian


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:


When we navigate to Group Administration >Positions and try to assign one of these positions, Seasons East, Seasons West, or Seasons Team, as the parent position to any other position, we receive the following message:

"Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given parent. (SBL-DAT-00496)"

When we try to assign Polaris East or Polaris West as a parent position though, it is successful.

Why does this happen?


To reproduce in the customer's environment, navigate to Group Administration > Positions and query for last name = Luttman. Try to assign the parent position "Seasons East" to the record. From the applet menu choose "Save Record" and the error message above about recursive relationships is reproduced.

Now assign the parent position "Polaris East", save the record, and it is successful.

The difference between the records "Seasons East" and "Polaris East" in the S_POSTN table were the following:

A. Different organizations

B. Different ou_id

C. Different Parent Position Id

D. Different Primary Employee Id

E. Different Primary Position Id

1. Updating the Primary employee of Seasons East to the primary employee to Polaris East did not resolve the behavior.


Message 2


2. Updating the parent position of Seasons East to Polaris National (the parent of Polaris East) resolved the behavior so the hierarchy of the "Seasons" positions was identified as the cause.

The "Seasons Division" position was at the topmost position in this hierarchy. This position was the parent of the following positions (shown in the tree applet on the left of the view):

Seasons Division

Seasons Divisional Assistant

Seasons Team

Clicking on the "+" of the child Seasons Division made it show over and over and over again as a child to itself. This was the recursive relationship indicated in the error message.

Comparing the topmost position in the Seasons hierarchy, Seasons Division, to the topmost position in the Polaris hierarchy, Polaris Division, showed that the Polaris Division does not have a parent position defined but Seasons Division had itself defined as the parent.

Removing "Seasons Division" as the parent to itself resolved the behavior.

Applies to:

Siebel Finance Service - Version: SIA [20408] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Customer is having the following issue when they are trying to update the parent position

In the view "SiteMap -> Administration - Group -> Positions" when you try to update the parent position with different postion , it gives the following error

"Can not update Parent because this will introduce introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for given Parent SBL - DAT 00496"


"12-1LW16M5 - Changing position errors out" This CR has already been raised to find out the cause of this behavior.

In the CR # 12-1LW16M5, "Comments Summary " section it is mentioned that,

For A Hierarchy of the following pattern.

| |

The following relations are created in the Table S_PARTY_RPT_REL for "OLD"

OLD - OLD (self)
OLD - MGR (direct)
OLD - A (in-direct)
OLD - B (in-direct)

When OLD is replaced with "NEW" for the first time the relationship status is as follows-

NEW-NEW (self)
NEW-MGR (direct)
NEW-A (indirect)
NEW-B (indirect)
OLD-OLD (self)
OLD-A (in-direct)
OLD-B (in-direct)

The indirect relationships corresponding to "OLD" should also be deleted from the DataBase as it is not happening , when we replace "NEW" with "OLD" again there is a conflict in the table.

On further research, the statement which deletes the records from "S_PARTY_RPT_REL" table is picking up the ROW_ID from S_DOCK_TXN_SET table -


On examining the table "S_DOCK_TXN_SET" . It is found that, it gets populated properly for the direct relationship whereas its not getting populated properly for the Indirect relationships. So, there could be some issue with the search spec.


After doing more research on this issue, we found that this is a known issue for 8.0 versions.

CR # 12-1LW16M5 has already been logged to address this issue.

This issue is fixed in the following version of 8.0 also.

FR # 12-1N2KYHJ -> [20408]QF0140 BugID: SIA: 6795730

FR # 12-1OYXLP3 -> [20412]QF0266 BugID: SBA: 7310611

FR # 12-1P4OEMC -> [20416]QF0314 BugID: SBA: 7247710

FR # 12-1N22RZ9  -> Fix Pack



Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: 8.0 [20405] - Release: V8
Siebel Call Center - Version: [20416] to [20417] - Release: V8 to V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


The issue occurs with Siebel version or
In Siebel standard application using the web-dedicated client connected to the server database when trying to change the parent organization of an organization that has children the following error messages appear:
[1] An error has occurred writing to a record. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00111)
[2][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[3][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.
[4][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[5][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.

NOTE: If you try to reproduce the issue in Siebel standard application using the web-dedicated client and Sample database you will receive the error:
"Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given parent (SBL-DAT-00496)"


The mentioned behavior is caused by a product defect.

Oracle/Siebel Technical Support was able to reproduce the customer's issue with Siebel version SIA and web-dedicated client connected to the server database (MS-SQL version 9.0).

Steps to reproduce with Siebel version SIA and web-dedicated client connected to the server database (MS-SQL version 9.0 (2005)):
1.- Navigate to "Administration - Group" > "Organizations"
2.- Create the following organizations structure:
1 Organization without "parent organization" ("Org_A")
2 Organizations ("Org_B" and "Org_C") whose parent organization is the seeded "Default Organization" (Org_B and Org_C are "brothers")
1 Organization ("Org_D") whose parent organization is "Org_C" ("Org_D" is grandson of Default_Organization)
2 Organizations ("Org_E" and "Org_F") whose parent organization is "Org_D"
_Default Organization

3.- Click on "Org_D" and, in the right-down applet try to change his parent Organization from "Org_C" to "Org_B".
Click Ctrl+S to save the record. =-> The following error messages appear in a pop-up window:
[1] An error has occurred writing to a record. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00111)
[2][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[3][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.
[4][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.S_PARTY_RPT_REL' with unique index 'S_PARTY_RPT_REL_U1'.
[5][Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server)The statement has been terminated.

(Notice that Org_B and Org_C are under "Default Org")
4.- (Ctrl+U to discard last change)
5.- Click on "Org_F" and try to change his parent Organization from "Org_D" to "Org_B". Ctrl+S --> OK (notice that "Org_F" has no children)
6.- Click on "Org_D" (it still has 1 children, Org_E) and try to change his parent Organization from "Org_C" to "Org_A". Ctrl+S --> OK (Notice that Org_A is not under "Default Organization")

Product Defect 12-1R1VX4T (Unable to change the parent organization of an organization with children) was logged after Oracle/Siebel Technical Support has reproduced the issue.
The issue does not occur with Siebel version SIA.


1) Workaround:
If you want to change the parent organization of an organization with children you have to deassociate the organization then its children and associate first the children and then the parent and then the grand-parent.

2) Solution:
To fix this behavior you will need to apply the Siebel Fix Pack.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)

Version: [16060] Com/Med

Database: Oracle

Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 2

Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1076014461.



When we try to update the Parent Position on one of our Positions to any other Position, we get
the following error message:

Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive
reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Parent.

What does
this mean?


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers

The customer was getting the following error message on a record imported using EIM when trying to update a parent position:

“Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Parent.”

Customer resolved the application behavior by looking at all the records on S_PARTY_RPT_REL table, where the party_id for the problem record was located; there was a related party that was repeated with a conflict id. When this sub party record was fixed, customer was able to select a parent for the problem record.

For further information on reporting relationships, Fallow the instruction in FAQ 1909 to ensure the reporting relation has been Synch.

Please review the following section in Siebel Bookshelf: - Importing Employees and Positions -> Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

Thank you,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Application Deployment

“In any collection of data, the figure most obviously correct, beyond all need of checking, is the error...”

Check, Double-Check, Recheck is the mantra while depolying on production in order to avoid any goofups. Despite any technique being used for deployment including ADM or EIM a thorough sanity should be done after deploying the artifacts on the production envirnoment. This becomes quintessential in multi-project environments where roll out is in phases. Every body has its own strategy based on the environment to perform a sanity check. However the one i have been using is to perform a count of records across the environment along with ADM to deploy artifacts. While ADM ensures that artifacts have been deployed successfully the count helps in confirming that nothing is missed from the source environment.

Here is sample query which can be customized based on the specific artifacts which gives us the count of records from multiple tables such as Personalization rules, runtime events, Views, Views/Responsibility, LOV's :

(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SIEBEL.S_RESP) S_RESP_COUNT, -- Count of Responsibilties
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SIEBEL.S_CT_RULE_SET) S_CT_RULE_SET_COUNT, -- Count of Personalization Action sets

This query should be run against source and destination databases and results should be compared. The output of this query looks like:

Happy crunching!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SBL-BPR-00609: Copy-record operation is not allowed for single-record transient business components

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00610: Invalid Context Id


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00610: Invalid Context Id


Error has occurred while transient BC tried to create a new record.

Corrective Action

Check the Transient BC that is trying to create a new record.

SBL-BPR-00610: Invalid Context Id

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00610: Invalid Context Id


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00610: Invalid Context Id


Error has occurred while transient BC tried to create a new record.

Corrective Action

Check the Transient BC that is trying to create a new record.

SBL-BPR-00608: Error while executing Upsert Siebel Operation without Searchspec.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00608: Error while executing Upsert Siebel Operation without Searchspec.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00608: Error while executing Upsert Siebel Operation without Searchspec.


Empty Searchspec is not allowed for Upsert Siebel Operation.

Corrective Action

Please modify task configuration to add searchspec for Upsert Siebel Operation.

SBL-BPR-00606: An error has occurred while Post-Cancel event handler invoking workflow/business service.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00606: An error has occurred while Post-Cancel event handler invoking workflow/business service.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00606: An error has occurred while Post-Cancel event handler invoking workflow/business service.


Error has occurred while executing Post-Cancel event handler to invoke workflow/business service

Corrective Action

Check the workflow/business service that is invoked by the post-cancel event handler.

SBL-BPR-00607: An error has occurred while Post-Complete event handler invoking workflow/business service.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00607: An error has occurred while Post-Complete event handler invoking workflow/business service.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00607: An error has occurred while Post-Complete event handler invoking workflow/business service.


Error has occurred while executing Post-Complete event handler to invoke workflow/business service

Corrective Action

Check the workflow/business service that is invoked by the post-Complete event handler.

SBL-BPR-00604: Error beginning task transaction with id '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00604: Error beginning task transaction with id '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00604: Error beginning task transaction with id '%1'.


The attempt to begin task transaction has failed.

Corrective Action

If you encounter this error, please request that your systems administrator report this error (with the assertion file and log files) to Siebel Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00602: There is no task instance that serves as a lock for the task transaction.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00602: There is no task instance that serves as a lock for the task transaction.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00602: There is no task instance that serves as a lock for the task transaction.


The attempt to release the lock on the task transaction has failed since there is no task instance that serves as the lock.

Corrective Action

If you encounter this error, please request that your systems administrator report this error (with the assertion file and log files) to Siebel Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00603: Error ending task transaction with id '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00603: Error ending task transaction with id '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00603: Error ending task transaction with id '%1'.


The attempt to end task transaction has failed.

Corrective Action

If you encounter this error, please request that your systems administrator report this error (with the assertion file and log files) to Siebel Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00600: The attempt to acquire the lock on the task transaction has failed.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00600: The attempt to acquire the lock on the task transaction has failed.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00600: The attempt to acquire the lock on the task transaction has failed.


The lock on the task transaction can be acquired only when the parent thread of the current thread is the owner of the task transaction.

Corrective Action

If you encounter this error, please request that your systems administrator report this error (with the assertion file and log files) to Siebel Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00601: Validation failed. The current thread is not the owner of the task transaction.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00601: Validation failed. The current thread is not the owner of the task transaction.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00601: Validation failed. The current thread is not the owner of the task transaction.


The attempt to release the lock on the task transaction has failed since the current thread is not the owner of the task transaction.

Corrective Action

If you encounter this error, please request that your systems administrator report this error (with the assertion file and log files) to Siebel Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00599: Error loading process definition '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00599: Error loading process definition '%1'. It is not a task and has the special prcoess property TASKTEMPSTORAGESHARING defined, which is not a valid configuration.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00599: Error loading process definition '%1'. It is not a task and has the special prcoess property TASKTEMPSTORAGESHARING defined, which is not a valid configuration.


The process property with the name TASKTEMPSTORAGESHARING can only be defined for tasks.

Corrective Action

Please modify process definition. Either change its mode to task or remove the TASKTEMPSTORAGESHARING process property.

SBL-BPR-00596: Error loading process definition '%1'. It is not a 7.0 workflow and has a process property with the name WFSESSIONAFFINITY defined, which is not a valid configuration.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00596: Error loading process definition '%1'. It is not a 7.0 workflow and has a process property with the name WFSESSIONAFFINITY defined, which is not a valid configuration.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00596: Error loading process definition '%1'. It is not a 7.0 workflow and has a process property with the name WFSESSIONAFFINITY defined, which is not a valid configuration.


The process property with the name WFSESSIONAFFINITY can only be defined for 7.0 workflows.

Corrective Action

Please modify process definition. Either change its mode to 7.0 flow or remove the WFSESSIONAFFINITY process property.

SBL-BPR-00597: Cannot resume process instance '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00597: Cannot resume process instance '%1'. An attempt has been made to resume the workflow instance by invoking ResumeInstance method on workflow engine, which is not supported when the underlying workflow process has the special WFSESSIONAFFINITY process property defined.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00597: Cannot resume process instance '%1'. An attempt has been made to resume the workflow instance by invoking ResumeInstance method on workflow engine, which is not supported when the underlying workflow process has the special WF...


Workflow processes with the process property WFSESSIONAFFINITY defined are meant to support session affinity, i.e., workflow instances started at a user session can be resumed from the same session. When ResumeInstance method is called on workflow engine, there is no way for workflow engine to tell which session the instance of interest was originally started. Therefore, the session affinity feature and the ResumeInstance method cannot be supported at the same time.

Corrective Action

Please either remove the WFSESSIONAFFINITY process property from the process definition or try to resume the workflow process through means other than ResumeInstance.

SBL-BPR-00595: Error loading task definition with deployment Id '%1'. The task is a subtask and has event handler(s) defined, which is not a valid configuration.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00595: Error loading task definition with deployment Id '%1'. The task is a subtask and has event handler(s) defined, which is not a valid configuration.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00595: Error loading task definition with deployment Id '%1'. The task is a subtask and has event handler(s) defined, which is not a valid configuration.


Event handlers are not allowed in subtasks.

Corrective Action

Please modify task configuration. Either change the task to a main task or remove all event handlers.

SBL-BPR-00594: Business Service '%1' called without context Business Component set.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00594: Business Service '%1' called without context Business Component set.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00594: Business Service '%1' called without context Business Component set.


This business service requires that a context business component be set before calling the business service.

Corrective Action

In the code invoking the business service, set the context business component by calling SetBusComp() method on the service instance before calling InvokeMethod().

SBL-BPR-00592: Task ' %1 ' is of type sub-task. Cannot launch a task which is of type sub-task.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00592: Task ' %1 ' is of type sub-task. Cannot launch a task which is of type sub-task.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00592: Task ' %1 ' is of type sub-task. Cannot launch a task which is of type sub-task.


Sub-tasks cannot be instantiated, they can only be executed in the context of a main task.

Corrective Action

Either change the property 'Is Subtask ' of the task to false or use the task in another task which would be a main task.

SBL-BPR-00593: User Property '%1' not specified for Business Service '%2'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00593: User Property '%1' not specified for Business Service '%2'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00593: User Property '%1' not specified for Business Service '%2'.


This business service requires that its SRF definition specifies this user property.

Corrective Action

In Siebel Tools, add specified user property. If Business Service Use Property type does not appear in the Object Explorer, open View/Options dialog and in Object Explorer select this type.

SBL-BPR-00591: Error transferring task '%1' from current owner '%2' to target owner '%3'. The target owner belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current owner or the current application.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00591: Error transferring task '%1' from current owner '%2' to target owner '%3'. The target owner belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current owner or the current application.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00591: Error transferring task '%1' from current owner '%2' to target owner '%3'. The target owner belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current owner or the current application.


In order for a transfer to succeed, the current application, the current owner, and the target owner have to be in the same node/region.

Corrective Action

Please make sure that your application is run from the correct node/region, and that the current owner and the target owner are in the same node/region.

SBL-BPR-00590: Error restoring task with instance id '%1'. The task has been initialized in a node/region that is different from that of the current application.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00590: Error restoring task with instance id '%1'. The task has been initialized in a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00590: Error restoring task with instance id '%1'. The task has been initialized in a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


An application can only restore tasks that have been initiated in the same node/region.

Corrective Action

Please make sure that your application is run from the correct node/region.

SBL-BPR-00586: While operating with a long task inbox parameter, the serialized representation found a row (sequence number '%1') unexpectedly missing.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00586: While operating with a long task inbox parameter, the serialized representation found a row (sequence number '%1') unexpectedly missing.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00586: While operating with a long task inbox parameter, the serialized representation found a row (sequence number '%1') unexpectedly missing.


Task inbox manager, while reading a long task inbox parameter (serialized into several database rows) found a component row missing while reading back.

Corrective Action

This should not occur during normal operation. If the data has been created and modified in supported ways only and this error results, please contact Siebel Systems Technical Support.

SBL-BPR-00585: Error creating new task for user '%1'. The user belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current application.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00585: Error creating new task for user '%1'. The user belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00585: Error creating new task for user '%1'. The user belongs to a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


An application can only create new tasks for users in the same node/region.

Corrective Action

Please make sure that your application is run from the correct node/region.

SBL-BPR-00583: Cannot parse expression at '%1' step since the expression contains business component fields in it.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00583: Cannot parse expression at '%1' step since the expression contains business component fields in it.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00583: Cannot parse expression at '%1' step since the expression contains business component fields in it.


If the task name for a task step in a long running workflow uses an expression, it cannot be based on business component fields.

Corrective Action

Please use an expression that does not have business component fields in the expression.

SBL-BPR-00584: Error initializing Task Inbox Manager.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00584: Error initializing Task Inbox Manager.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00584: Error initializing Task Inbox Manager.


There may be some problem in the configuration of business service "Universal Inbox" or business object/business component "UInbox Item Type".

Corrective Action

This error message should be followed by a business-component-specific error message. Check the business-component-specific error message and take the recommended corrective action.

SBL-BPR-00577: Method '%1' of business service '%2' can only be invoked within the context of a task.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00577: Method '%1' of business service '%2' can only be invoked within the context of a task.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00577: Method '%1' of business service '%2' can only be invoked within the context of a task.


A method that can only be run within execution of a task has been called at a point when no task is being executed.

Corrective Action

Call this method only as a business service call within a task flow.

SBL-BPR-00579: This task has been adorned with invalid chapter specification.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00579: This task has been adorned with invalid chapter specification. Using tools reconfigure the task with proper chapter specifications and run validation before deploying.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00579: This task has been adorned with invalid chapter specification. Using tools reconfigure the task with proper chapter specifications and run validation before deploying.


This task has been adorned with invalid chapter specification.

Corrective Action

Using tools reconfigure the task with proper chapter specifications and run validation before deploying.

SBL-BPR-00576: The operation '%1' cannot be performed on the primary buscomp '%2'

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00576: The operation '%1' cannot be performed on the primary buscomp '%2'


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00576: The operation '%1' cannot be performed on the primary buscomp '%2'


This error is returned by a Siebel Operation step when next/previous record operations are performed on the primary business component

Corrective Action

Pick a non-primary buscomp to perform next/previous record operations.

SBL-BPR-00573: Error loading the task instance's version cache from database. The data is corrupted.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00573: Error loading the task instance's version cache from database. The data is corrupted.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00573: Error loading the task instance's version cache from database. The data is corrupted.


When resuming a paused task, task controller needs to load the instance's local version cache from the database. The operation failed since the data was corrupted.

Corrective Action

Please delete the corrupted task instance and restart a new task instance.

SBL-BPR-00575: Invalid usage of business service API to (dis)associate tasks with business objects: task id has changed while there were changes pending.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00575: Invalid usage of business service API to (dis)associate tasks with business objects: task id has changed while there were changes pending.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00575: Invalid usage of business service API to (dis)associate tasks with business objects: task id has changed while there were changes pending.


Association changes are accummulated for current task, and if the task context changes before they are explicitly written or discarded, then this error is thrown.

Corrective Action

Make sure that you call Flush or Clear method before task context can change.

Can customer call these methods?

SBL-BPR-00572: Task instance with '%1' status cannot be deleted.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00572: Task instance with '%1' status cannot be deleted.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00572: Task instance with '%1' status cannot be deleted.


Tasks that are actively in progress cannot be deleted.

Corrective Action

Pause or complete the task and then delete it.

SBL-BPR-00571: Transient business component '%1' supports only one record per context!

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00571: Transient business component '%1' supports only one record per context!


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00571: Transient business component '%1' supports only one record per context!


This error is typically caused by an explicit insert operation on transient business component within task definition.

Corrective Action

Make sure that NewRecord is never called directly on a Transient BC based on CSSBCTaskTransient class.

SBL-BPR-00566: An error has occured when executing the handler for the '%1' event

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00566: An error has occured when executing the handler for the '%1' event


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00566: An error has occured when executing the handler for the '%1' event


Task controller failed when executing an event handler.

Corrective Action

Please refer to lower level error messages for more detailed explanation and correction actions.

Not sure what the corrective action is???

SBL-BPR-00564: Invalid serialized shared property manager encountered by task state management layer.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00564: Invalid serialized shared property manager encountered by task state management layer.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00564: Invalid serialized shared property manager encountered by task state management layer.


The strings supplied to the operation do not represent a valid serialized shared property manager. This string cannot be used to restore the shared property manager.

Corrective Action

If this task definition is valid and you encountered this error during normal operation, please contact Siebel Technical Support for assistance.

SBL-BPR-00565: An error has occured when deleting task instance '%1'

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00565: An error has occured when deleting task instance '%1'


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00565: An error has occured when deleting task instance '%1'


Task controller failed to delete the task instance due to some internal error.

Corrective Action

Please refer to lower level error messages for more detailed explanation and correction actions.

SBL-BPR-00562: Error passing parent task property '%1' to sub task property '%2' at subtask step '%3'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00562: Error passing parent task property '%1' to sub task property '%2' at subtask step '%3'. One property is hierarchical type and the other is not, which is not allowed.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00562: Error passing parent task property '%1' to sub task property '%2' at subtask step '%3'. One property is hierarchical type and the other is not, which is not allowed.


When passing properties between a parent task and a sub task, only the following two combinations are allowed: 1. a hierarchical source property to a hierarical target property; or 2. a non-hierarchical source property to a non-hierarical target property.

Corrective Action

Please check your task definition and correct the error.

SBL-BPR-00557: The delete operation cannot be completed. No searchspec has been specified for the delete operation.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00557: The delete operation cannot be completed. No searchspec has been specified for the delete operation, and the target buscomp, %1, has not been executed at the time of delete operation.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00557: The delete operation cannot be completed. No searchspec has been specified for the delete operation, and the target buscomp, %1, has not been executed at the time of delete operation.


At least one of the two conditions needs to be met for delete operation to work: 1. a searchspec has been specified for the delete operation;

2. the target buscomp has been executed before the delete operation.

Corrective Action

Please add a searchspec to the delete operation, or make sure that the buscomp has been executed before the delete operation.

SBL-BPR-00559: Task '%1' is still in a transaction when it is being paused or completed. This is not allowed.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00559: Task '%1' is still in a transaction when it is being paused or completed. This is not allowed.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00559: Task '%1' is still in a transaction when it is being paused or completed. This is not allowed.


Any transaction started in a task has to be ended before the task can be paused or completed.

Corrective Action

Please check the task definition and ensure that transactions started in the task are ended properly.

SBL-BPR-00554: At least one executed task view step must have non-empty display name.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00554: At least one executed task view step must have non-empty display name.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00554: At least one executed task view step must have non-empty display name.


The first view step in the task cannot have an empty display name.

Corrective Action

Please modify the task configuration to add the display name for the specified task step.

Double check to ensure that all Task View steps contained in your task definitions contain a display name.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00554: The display name for the task view step '%1' specified in chapter '%2' in the task '%3' cannot be empty


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00554: The display name for the task view step '%1' specified in chapter '%2' in the task '%3' cannot be empty


The first view step in the task cannot have an empty display name.

Corrective Action

Please modify the task configuration to add the display name for the specified task step

SBL-BPR-00551: Cannot find the record '%1' in the context business component '%2'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00551: Cannot find the record '%1' in the context business component '%2'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00551: Cannot find the record '%1' in the context business component '%2'.


The business component record specified for the task does not exist.

Corrective Action

Please select a valid record for the context business component before launching the task.

Shouldnt the corrective action be something ensure that you have a valid record selected on the ui prior to invoking this task as this task requires a valid record from the %1 BC.

SBL-BPR-00543: Task instance '%1' references invalid current step id '%2' in process definition '%3'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00543: Task instance '%1' references invalid current step id '%2' in process definition '%3'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00543: Task instance '%1' references invalid current step id '%2' in process definition '%3'.


The task definition or the task instance data may have been corrupted.

Corrective Action

Please delete the task instance and start a new task.

SBL-BPR-00545: Task instance with Id '%1' does not exist.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00545: The current action cannot be completed since the underlying task instance with Id '%1' cannot be found in the database. The task instance may have been created in a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00545: The current action cannot be completed since the underlying task instance with Id '%1' cannot be found in the database. The task instance may have been created in a node/region that is different from that of the current application.


The current action can only be completed at the node/region where the underlying task instance exists.

Corrective Action

Please perform the action from the node/region where the underlying task instance exists.

SBL-BPR-00541: Error running Task '%2' at step '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00541: Error running Task '%2' at step '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00541: Error running Task '%2' at step '%1'.


This error is returned while the workflow engine is executing the task step.

Corrective Action

Check the workflow task step error message following this message and take the recommended correction action.

SBL-BPR-00542: A context business component record is required for task '%1'

Applies to:

Siebel Workflow - Version: 8.x - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00542: A context business component record is required for task '%1'


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00542: A context business component record is required for task '%1'


This task uses context business component. Either the buscomp is not executed or on the Task step of a workflow, the Object Id is not passed in.

Corrective Action

Please make sure the context buscomp of the task is executed or on the Task step of a workflow, the Object Id is passed in.

SBL-BPR-00537: Task controller encountered another error

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00537: Task controller encountered another error while trying to handle the following error. Please use the Pause button to pause the task, or the Cancel button to cancel the task.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00537: Task controller encountered another error while trying to handle the following error. Please use the Pause button to pause the task, or the Cancel button to cancel the task.


Task controller encountered another error while trying to handle an error in task execution. The current task needs to be paused or canceled.

Corrective Action

Please use the Pause button to pause the task, or the Cancel button to cancel the task.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Tested this Issue in 8.1.1 SIA with Sample DB

Steps to reproduce the issue

1. Created a Task Base UI with one Step which has Contact Form Applet

2. In this Applet there are two MVG's. One MVG is based on Account BC and another MVG is based on CUT Address.

3. Started the Task Base UI and Opened the Account MVG. Added the Record and removed the same record.

4. Closed the MVG and Click the Submit Button.

5. Following Error is encountered




[1] Task controller encountered another error while trying to handle the following error. Please use the Pause button to pause the task, or the Cancel button to cancel the task.(SBL-BPR-00537)

[2] An error has occurred committing the record 1-1YH of business component 'Account'. The user key of the record is

Party Name = ""

Location = "Outlet"

Primary Organization Id = "1-1DG"

S_ORG_EXT_SS.Conflict Id = ""


[3] An internal error occurred retrieving a field value for ''. The field has an invalid logical index.(SBL-DAT-00430)





For the benefit of the others readers:

CR#10576600 and the FR#12-1V0NEIB was created as a product defect for this issue.

Following QF need to apply to rectify the issue 8.1.1 [21112] QF0060 BugID: SBA: 9037942

Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support



SBL-BPR-00539: The workflow task step %1 specified in the long running workflow %2 does not have a recipient specified.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00539: The workflow task step %1 specified in the long running workflow %2 does not have a recipient specified.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00539: The workflow task step %1 specified in the long running workflow %2 does not have a recipient specified.


Recipient is required for a workflow task step.

Corrective Action

Please specify a valid recipient for the workflow task step.

SBL-BPR-00536: An error has occurred while restoring task instance '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00536: An error has occurred while restoring task instance '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00536: An error has occurred while restoring task instance '%1'.


Task controller failed to restore the task due to some error.

Corrective Action

Please refer to lower level error messages for more detailed explanation and correction actions.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: SIA[20430] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Siebel CRM - Version:[20430] and later    [Release: V8 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


SBL-BPR-00536 and SBL-BPR-00524 errors occur when task is resumed from the inbox after being paused.

The specific error message is:

[1] An error has occurred while restoring task instance '<task name>'. (SBL-BPR-00536)
[2] Cannot find step '<task step>' in the task definition (SBL-BPR-00524)

This issue only happens when the task has two or more subtasks and the task has been paused in the main task flow after going through the steps in the second subtask or subsequent/later subtasks.

This is a regression issue which was shown to be happening in version and, and the same task had no issue in version


This issue has been reproduced in minimally configured standard application on version and and has been reported as a product defect via Change Request (CR) 12-20227ZN BUG 10601938.

The issue was shown to not be present in


A Quick Fix for is available for this issue. 20433 SBA QF0980 SEBL_ARU
You can find this QF by searching for patch number/name = 10305746

As of the publishing of this document, this issue is planned to be fixed in version fix pack.

If you face this issue on a different version, please contact Oracle technical support if you need assistance determining if there is a fix available for your version, or determining if the fix is available in any higher fix pack.

If you face this issue on a lower fix pack for this version, please consider moving to higher fix pack to utilize the QF listed above which is readily available. Please not that any QF which lists the QF above as an obsolete QF should also contain the fix for this issue.

CR: 10601938 BUG 10601938

CR summary: SBL-BPR-00536 SBL-BPR-00524 on PAUSE/RESUME when Task has 2 or more subtasks



PATCH:10305746 - 20433 SBA QF0980 SEBL_ARU

Applies to:

Siebel Communications, SPE - Version: 8.0 [20405] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Basically what we do is we try to pause and resume the task many times. and the error "An error has occurred while restoring task instance '1-5FLU5'.(SBL-BPR-00536)" was produced.
Step to reproduce:

1. Initiate the tas
2. Click next
3. Click pause
4. Go to Inbox view
5. Resume the task
6. Click Pause
7. Click next or previous
8. Try to repeat step 5 to 7 to produce this error:
An error has occurred while restoring task instance '1-5FLU5'.(SBL-BPR-00536)


This is product defect in siebel 8.0 version.Bug CR#10551424 was opened to address this problem and Reproduced problem in standard Siebel 8.0. version


In order to workaround the problem in your system we recommend to disable the pause button for all task views in the affected tasks except one. This will avoid the scenario that leads to the error messages. You can do this by setting the task step attribute "Disable Pause".

Created FR 12-1QYIXBD for QF ENU under the CR#10551424.

FR has been fixed, [20412] QF0283 BugID: SBA: 7611911



SBL-BPR-00535: An error has occurred while initializing task '%1'.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00535: An error has occurred while initializing task '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00535: An error has occurred while initializing task '%1'.


Task controller failed to initialize the task due to some error.

Corrective Action

Please refer to lower level error messages for more detailed explanation and correction actions.

SBL-BPR-00534: Cannot restore task instance '%1' since it is not in Paused status.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00534: Cannot restore task instance '%1' since it is not in Paused status.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00534: Cannot restore task instance '%1' since it is not in Paused status.


Only task instances in Paused status can be restored.

Corrective Action

If the task instance to be restored has been corrupted, please delete it and start a new task.

SBL-BPR-00533: An error has occurred building a task view.

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00533: An error has occurred building a task view.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00533: An error has occurred building a task view.


A task view cannot be built, possibly because the view definition is not valid.

Corrective Action

Please use the Previous button to go back, correct the error and continue, or use the Pause/Cancel button to pause/cancel the task.

Wouldnt you need to go back to the design time environment to fix.. Gives me the impression I can fix from the client.

SBL-BPR-00530: An internal error has occured while handling the following exception. The current task has been canceled as a result.

Applies to:

Siebel CRM - Version: [20426] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [20426] and later    [Release: V8 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


It was found that the presence of an Output Argument with Type = Business Component on a Task View after a Siebel Operation Insert step with DeferWrite = True caused the record to be saved early and SBL-BPR-00530 error occured.

The full error message is:

[1]. An internal error has occurred while handling the following exception. The current task has been canceled as a result. (SBL-BPR-00530)

This issue only happens in a task which has a Siebel Operation Insert step with DeferWrite = True, and a corresponding Task View with an Output Argument of Type = Business Component.


This issue was reproduced in minimally configured standard application and reported as a product defect.

This issue was found to happen on version through version

This issue was found to be a product regression as the same task configuration worked in fix pack without any errors.

The product defect Change Request (CR) for this is:
CR: 10591413 (BUG 10591413)
CR Summary: Task View Output Argument Type BC causes early record save and SBL-BPR-00530


There is a workaround for this issue. It is usually possible to modify the task configuration by removing the task view's output argument which triggers the defective behavior. It is usually possible to pass this information to a task property in a later step.

There are also Quick Fixes (QF's) available for this issue. Quickfix   QF0955, [20433]QF0955 Bug ID: SBA: 10045559 Quickfix QF0A10, [20436] QF0A10 BugID: SBA: 10311424

As of the publishing of this document, this issue is planned to be fixed in the Fix Pack.

If you face this issue on a different version and the workaround is not acceptable, please contact Oracle technical support if you need assistance in determining if there is a fix available for your version or to determine if the fix is available in a higher fix pack.

If you face this issue on a lower fix pack for this version, please consider moving to higher fix pack to utilize one of the QF's which are listed above and are readily available. Please note that any QF which lists one of the QF's above as an obsolete QF should also contain the fix for this issue.



PATCH:10045559 - 20433 SBA QF0955 SEBL_ARU

PATCH:10311424 - 20436 SBA QF0A10 SEBL_ARU

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Business Processes/Workflow - BPR

Version:Siebel 8.0


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-BPR-00530: An internal error has occured while handling the following exception. The current task has been canceled as a result.


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-BPR-00530: An internal error has occured while handling the following exception. The current task has been canceled as a result.


Task controller encountered some internal error while executing the task and had to cancel the task.

Corrective Action

Please try starting a new task.

Applies to:

Siebel eCommunications - Version: [20416] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


In TBUI when the task flow reaches an error step the following error is displayed:

[1] An internal error has occured while handling the following exception. The current task has been canceled as a result.(SBL-BPR-00530)
[2] <custom error message>(SBL-BPR-00131)

Can the first error be translated or changed?


The first error message (SBL-BPR-00530) displayed in a error step is hard coded and can not be changed. The error message passed to the custom error appears in the second error displayed (SBL-BPR-00131).

CR#10560755 has been opened to enhance the product so that the first error message displayed can be changed.