Thursday, May 31, 2012

Generate Quote using Narrative Reports in CRM On Demand

Hey Guys,

One thing we all think about is how to design a simple solution to a complicated requirement and so today lets see how to create a Narrative report for a 1:M relation. As you may know Narrative Report can be used only on one record. But, using a combination of reports, we can do the a LOT more!

All we need to do is create 2 reports linked to each other and add them to a Dashboard. let me show you how.

Step 1: Create a Opportunity Parent Report

Using Opportunities Subject Area (Reporting  or Real-Time) Add the fields you would like to use on the Opportunity Information Section of the Quote report.

In Step 2: Create Layout, Add a Narrative View and use the this code
Opportunity Parent Narrative View Code. Make sure you use the @"Number" symbol in the right places, or the values would display against the wrong columns.

You'll notice that the values are not correct in this preview, don't worry. since this report is not being filtered from the Prompt yet, the right values do not appear.

Save the report

Step 2:  Create a Opportunity Product Report

Using Opportunity Product Revenues Subject Area (Reporting  or Real-Time) Add the fields you would like to use on the Product List.
Note that I am filtering the contents of this report based on the results of the Opportunity Parent Report.
In Step 2: Create Layout, Add a Table or Pivot Table (Whichever works for you) and a Narrative View and use the this code Opportunity Parent Product Narrative View Code.

You'll notice that the values are not correct in this preview, don't worry. since this report is not being filtered from the parent yet, the right values do not appear.

OK. Save the Report.

Step 3: Create a Dashboard

Create a New Dashboard and give it a name. In the Design Section add both the above reports.

Save the Dashboard.

Step 4: Create a Web Link (Last Step)

Create a Web Link on  Opportunity and in the URL text area, add the link to your Dashboard you created in Step 3. You can get the URL by Viewing the Source Code


The %%%Id%%% will dynamically change on clicking the Web-Link from your Opportunity Detail Page and display the Opportunity and Opportunity Product Information on your Quote Report

Make sure you test the URL by Adding a Opportunity ID and running the URL in your browser.

After creating the Web-Link, add it onto your Opportunity Layout.

Finally: Let's see how this report works in reality.

Goto any Opportunity that has at least One Product associated

Now click the "Generate Quote" link that you added. You should now see your Opportunity and Opportunity Product Information in a beautifully formatted Quote Report.

Now, it's time for you to go and impress your customers!

If you have any questions about the post, feel free to add your comments!


Automate Siebel EIM Mapping using SQL

Hey Everybody,

Hope you all are doing Great!

It's been a long time since my last post, apologies for that! Anyway, I have decided to make up for that time and give you some great stuff!

Recently, I had a LOT of people asking for a way to Automatically generate EIM Mappings. I have written a post previously called Generate EIM mapping using SQL Script. However I made some new changes that will give you more information than before.

So here are the updated versions for Oracle and MS SQL

Output Preview

Document Links : Do what the document tells you are you're good!

Automate Siebel EIM Mapping using SQL_MSSQL
Automate Siebel EIM Mapping using SQL_Oracle

Watch out for more interesting Stuff!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thread Bar Updation

Sometimes Simplicity just does not precede complexity, but follows it. Recently while configuring Thread Bar for some views, we faced a trivial issue. Value of the Thread Field defined was not coming in the Thread bar.  We have specified the correct Thread Applet, Thread Field and Thread Title properties for the related views but only Thread Title was being displayed when we drilldown from List view to Form View. Google resulted this issue being faced by other users without fix.
Things got luckier for me when i found a similar article on support web which stated that this is the intended behavior of siebel when the underlying Business Objects of traversing views are same. However as workaround of this issue there are three options:

  1. Have different BO's for List View and Destination View.
  2. Remove thread bar and make use of IE back option.
  3. If it is business critical to have navigation path in thread bar then one can define Source Field and Destination Field in the drilldown from list View to form view. This setting of source field in the drilldown causes Thread Field to be displayed in the Thread Bar. However it comes with its own inherent issue in a way that user can't traverse through record set in Form view. 
Hope this post helps you while configuring thread bar and keeping business object context in mind. Yup simplicity follows complexity.

Happy Configuration!!